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Total Questions: 20

1. MongoDB is a__ type of database

Correct Answer is : NoSQL database

2. mongoimport command is used to:

Correct Answer is : imports content from an Extended JSON, CSV, or TSV export created by mongoexport

3. Which of the following is the most important consideration while designing the schema for MongoDB?

Correct Answer is : The schema should match the data access and query patterns

4. Which option should be used to update all the documents with the specified condition in the MongoDB query?

Correct Answer is : specify {multi : true} as the third parameter of update command

5. You can implement a multi-document transaction in MongoDB using which of the following concept?

Correct Answer is : Two Phase Commits

6. If you create the user administrator before enabling access control, MongoDB disables the ________ exception.

Correct Answer is : localhost

7. Point out the correct statement :

Correct Answer is : All of the mentioned

8. If you use the localhost exception when deploying a new MongoDB system, the first user you create must be in the ________ database.

Correct Answer is : admin

9. If you need to disable access control for any reason, restart the process with ______ setting.

Correct Answer is : KeyFile

10. Point out the wrong statement :

Correct Answer is : Authentication does not require an authentication mechanism

11. The ________ client authentication allows clients to authenticate to servers with certificates rather than with a username and password.

Correct Answer is : x.509

12. Which of the following allows user to view the information of any user in the given database?

Correct Answer is : viewUser

13. enableLocalhostAuthBypass is not available using _________ database command.

Correct Answer is : setParameter

14. MongoDB’s _______ is a database profiling system that can help identify inefficient queries and operations.

Correct Answer is : Profiler

15. ______________ enables a set of internal commands useful for internal testing operations.

Correct Answer is : enableTestCommands

16. ____________ are operations that process data records and return computed results.

Correct Answer is : Aggregations

17. Point out the wrong statement :

Correct Answer is : Map-reduce cannot have a finalize stage to make final modifications to the result

18. Running data aggregation on the ________ instance simplifies application code and limits resource requirements.

Correct Answer is : mongod

19. Documents enter a multi-stage __________ that transforms the documents into an aggregated result.

Correct Answer is : pipeline

20. The most basic pipeline stages provide __________ that operate like queries.

Correct Answer is : filters