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Total Questions: 20

1. ___________ is a specification for storing and retrieving files that exceed the BSON-document size limit of 16MB.

Correct Answer is : GridFS

2. Point out the correct statement :

Correct Answer is : GridFS uses two collections to store files

3. By default GridFS limits chunk size to ______ k.

Correct Answer is : 255

4. When you query a GridFS store for a file, the _______ will reassemble the chunks as needed.

Correct Answer is : client

5. Point out the wrong statement :

Correct Answer is : Chunks in the context of GridFS is related to the use of the term chunks in the context of sharding

6. MongoDB represents queries as ___________ objects.

Correct Answer is : BSON

7. Each document in the __________ collection represents a distinct chunk of a file as represented in the GridFS store.

Correct Answer is : chunks

8. GridFS uses a _________ index on the chunks collection for the files_id and n fields.

Correct Answer is : unique

9. The ___ field contains the sequence number of the chunk.

Correct Answer is : n

10. The GridFS index allows efficient retrieval of __________ using the files_id and n values

Correct Answer is : chunks

11. To modify an existing index, you cannot just re-issue the _________ method with the updated specification of the index.

Correct Answer is : createIndex()

12. Point out the wrong statement :

Correct Answer is : To see the status of an indexing process, you can use the db.statusOp() method in the mongo shell

13. If you need to rebuild indexes for a collection you can use the _________ method to rebuild all indexes on a collection in a single operation.

Correct Answer is : db.collection.Index()

14. To terminate an ongoing index build, use the __________ method in the mongo shell.

Correct Answer is : db.killOp()

15. Point out the correct statement :

Correct Answer is : After 2.4, you can terminate both background index builds and foreground index builds

16. In the mongo shell, you can use the ______ method to return a list of the indexes on a collection.

Correct Answer is : getIndexes()

17. __________ views partial execution statistics collected during plan selection

Correct Answer is : cursor.explain()

18. The __________ operator constrains the results of a geospatial $near or $nearSphere query to the specified distance.

Correct Answer is : $maxDistance

19. To force MongoDB to use a particular index for a db.collection.________ operation, specify the index with the hint() method.

Correct Answer is : find()

20. Specify the ______ operator to the hint() method to prevent MongoDB from using any index

Correct Answer is : $natural