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Total Questions: 20

1. Which of the following is a metapackage for enterprise ?

Correct Answer is : mongodb-enterprise

2. Point out the correct statement :

Correct Answer is : MongoDB provides packages of the officially supported MongoDB Enterprise builds in it’s own repository

3. ______ package contains the mongod daemon and associated configuration and init scripts.

Correct Answer is : mongodb-enterprise-server

4. Which of the following is not a part of mongodb-enterprise-tools ?

Correct Answer is : mongodown

5. Point out the wrong statement :

Correct Answer is : As of version 2.0.0, there are no control scripts for mongos

6. MongoDB only provides Enterprise packages for Ubuntu ________ LTS

Correct Answer is : 12.04

7. Which of the following is Ubuntu package management tool ?

Correct Answer is : dpkg

8. Command to install the latest stable version of MongoDB Enterprise in Ubuntu is :

Correct Answer is : sudo apt-get install mongodb-enterprise

9. mongod process is stopped by issuing the following command:

Correct Answer is : sudo service mongod stop

10. To install the latest stable version of MongoDB on SUSE , issue :

Correct Answer is : sudo zypper install mongodb-enterprise

11. Point out the correct statement :

Correct Answer is : All of the mentioned

12. The MongoDB instance stores its _________ files in /var/lib/mongo by default

Correct Answer is : data

13. The MongoDB process listens on port _________ by default

Correct Answer is : 27017

14. Point out the wrong statement :

Correct Answer is : The MongoDB instance stores its data files in /var/log/mongodb by default

15. Which of the following file is not a MongoDB configuration file ?

Correct Answer is : mongod.conf

16. User account running mongod has _______ permissions for the directory.

Correct Answer is : read and write

17. ___________ allows you to scale your cluster linearly by adding more machines.

Correct Answer is : Autosharding

18. MongoDB is installed unattended on Windows from the command line using :

Correct Answer is : msiexec.exe

19. Sometimes mongod.exe is visible on public networks without running in _________ Mode with the auth setting.

Correct Answer is : Secure

20. ________ contains a counter of the total number of clients with active operations in progress or queued.

Correct Answer is : globalLock.activeClients