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Total Questions: 20

1. ________ contains a counter of the total number of clients with active operations in progress or queued.

Correct Answer is : globalLock.activeClients

2. Point out the correct statement :

Correct Answer is : All of the mentioned

3. ________ provide the number of times the lock acquisitions encountered deadlocks.

Correct Answer is : locks.deadlockCount

4. If __________ is high relative to uptime, the database has existed in a lock state for a significant amount of time.

Correct Answer is : globalLock.totalTime

5. Point out the wrong statement :

Correct Answer is : The storage.wiredTiger.indexConfig.prefixCompression setting does not affect all indexes created

6. The __________ data structure value provides more granular information concerning the number of operations queued because of a lock.

Correct Answer is : currentQueue

7. serverStatus includes all fields by default, except _________ .

Correct Answer is : rangeDelete

8. ______ field contains total number of current clients that connect to the database instance.

Correct Answer is : current

9. MongoDB’s _______ is a database profiling system that can help identify inefficient queries and operations.

Correct Answer is : Profiler

10. Which of the following setting defines what constitutes a “slow” operation ?

Correct Answer is : slowOpThresholdMs

11. With the _______ storage engine, MongoDB uses memory-mapped files to store data.

Correct Answer is : MMAPv1

12. Point out the correct statement :

Correct Answer is : For read-heavy applications, increase the size of your replica set and distribute read operations to secondary members

13. The memory usage statuses metrics of the _________ output can provide insight into MongoDB’s memory use.

Correct Answer is : serverStatus

14. The _________ field provides the amount of resident memory in use.

Correct Answer is : mem.resident

15. Point out the wrong statement :

Correct Answer is : A single page fault completes slowly and is problematic

16. You can inspect __________ to check the amount of mapped memory that mongod is using.

Correct Answer is : mem.mapped

17. MongoDB reports its triggered page faults as the total number of page faults in ________ second.

Correct Answer is : 1

18. Which of the operator is used to access the query field of documents within system.profile ?

Correct Answer is : $query

19. ____________ returns information on the query plan for aggregate function.

Correct Answer is : db.collection.explain()

20. By default, db.collection.explain() runs in ___________ verbosity mode.

Correct Answer is : queryPlanner