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Total Questions: 20

1. With ___________ enabled, MongoDB forces all clients to identify themselves before granting access to the server.

Correct Answer is : authentication

2. ___________ allows administrators to define and limit the resources and operations that a user can access.

Correct Answer is : Authorization

3. Point out the wrong statement :

Correct Answer is : For MongoDB, the defaults to mongodb

4. Use the __________ option to ensure that MongoDB listens for connections from applications on configured addresses.

Correct Answer is : bind_ip

5. To generate pseudo-random data to use for a keyfile, issue the following __________ command.

Correct Answer is : openssl

6. _____________ is used to initiate relica member set.

Correct Answer is : rs.initiate()

7. Which of the following is used to display the replica set configuration object ?

Correct Answer is : rs.conf

8. MongoDB supports the execution of JavaScript code for certain server-side operations like:

Correct Answer is : all of the mentioned

9. When a chunk grows beyond the chunk size, MongoDB attempts to split the chunk into smaller chunks, always based on ranges in the :

Correct Answer is : tag sets

10. Point out the correct statement:

Correct Answer is : All of the mentioned

11. The index on the shard key cannot be a _________ index.

Correct Answer is : multkikey

12. Hashed shard keys use a ________ index of a single field as the shard key to partition data across your sharded cluster.

Correct Answer is : hashed

13. Point out the correct statement :

Correct Answer is : If you shard an empty collection using a hashed shard key, MongoDB will automatically create and migrate chunks so that each shard has two chunks

14. You can control how many chunks MongoDB will create with the ___________ parameter.

Correct Answer is : numInitialChunks

15. MongoDB automatically computes the hashes when resolving queries using ______ indexes.

Correct Answer is : muiltkey

16. MongoDB generates _______ values upon document creation to produce a unique identifier for the object.

Correct Answer is : ObjectId

17. A shard key that increases monotonically will not hinder performance if most of your write operations are ____ operations.

Correct Answer is : update()

18. The mongos provides an interface for applications to interact with sharded clusters that hides the complexity of data ______

Correct Answer is : partitioning

19. _______ runs a database command against the admin database of a mongos instance.

Correct Answer is : sh._adminCommand()

20. Point out the correct statement:

Correct Answer is : The unique constraint on indexes ensures that only one document can have a value for a field in a collection