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Total Questions: 20

1. Which of the operator is similar to order by clause in RDBMS ?

Correct Answer is : $sort

2. Which of the following provides similar functionality to join ?

Correct Answer is : $unwin

3. Point out the wrong statement :

Correct Answer is : DESCENDING is one of the allowed results of a $let expression

4. ________ limits the number of documents in result set

Correct Answer is : $limit

5. Which of the following is used to retrieve like SELECT clause in SQL?

Correct Answer is : $project

6. _______ groups documents by some specified expression and outputs to the next stage a document for each distinct grouping.

Correct Answer is : $group

7. ____________ works similar to HAVING clause in SQL

Correct Answer is : $match

8. COUNT function is provided by _________ in MongoDB.

Correct Answer is : $sum

9. MongoDB stores additional instance-local metadata in the _______ database.

Correct Answer is : Local

10. Point out the correct statement :

Correct Answer is : mongos instances maintain a connection pool to each shard so that the mongos can reuse connections

11. The ___________ collection stores custom roles that administrators create and assign to users to provide access to specific resources.

Correct Answer is : admin.system.roles

12. The ___________ collection stores the user’s authentication credentials as well as any roles assigned to the user

Correct Answer is : admin.system.users

13. Point out the wrong statement :

Correct Answer is : The “soft” ulimit refers to the minimum number of processes that a user can have active at any time

14. The .system.indexes collection lists all the _________ in the database

Correct Answer is : indexes

15. Which of the following The collection holds special JavaScript code for use in server side JavaScript ?

Correct Answer is : .system.js

16. Which of the following can store JavaScript functions for reuse ?

Correct Answer is : system.js

17. ______ is used to load all the scripts saved in the system.js collection for the current database.

Correct Answer is : db.loadServerScripts()

18. In replica sets, each ________ maintains a connection to all other members of the set.

Correct Answer is : mongod

19. When creating a text index on multiple fields, you can specify the individual fields or you can use wildcard specifier ______

Correct Answer is : ($**)

20. When creating a text index on multiple fields, you can specify the individual fields or you can use wildcard specifier ______

Correct Answer is : ($**)