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Total Questions: 20

1. Use the ____________ option to enable auditing and specify where to output the audit events.

Correct Answer is : –auditDestination

2. Use the ____________ option to enable auditing and specify where to output the audit events.

Correct Answer is : –auditDestination

3. The audit file rotates at the same time as the ________ log file.

Correct Answer is : Server

4. The audit file rotates at the same time as the ________ log file.

Correct Answer is : Server

5. To view the contents of the file, pass the file to the MongoDB utility ___________

Correct Answer is : bsondump

6. To view the contents of the file, pass the file to the MongoDB utility ___________

Correct Answer is : bsondump

7. The _____________ option accepts either full path name or relative path name.

Correct Answer is : –auditPath

8. The _____________ option accepts either full path name or relative path name.

Correct Answer is : –auditPath

9. The _________ message limit can result in the truncation of the audit messages.

Correct Answer is : syslog

10. The _________ message limit can result in the truncation of the audit messages.

Correct Answer is : syslog

11. Which of the following method is used for managing user ?

Correct Answer is : db.createUser()

12. Point out the correct statement :

Correct Answer is : All of the mentioned

13. MongoDB stores user information in the _________ collection.

Correct Answer is : system.users

14. Which of the follwing authentication method is used by default by MongoDB ?

Correct Answer is : SCRAM-SHA-1

15. Point out the wrong statement :

Correct Answer is : MongoDB does not support authentication mechanisms

16. _________ is a challenge-response mechanism that authenticates users through passwords.

Correct Answer is : MONGODB-CR

17. MongoDB supports _________ certificate authentication for use with a secure TLS/SSL connection.

Correct Answer is : x.509

18. MongoDB __________ supports authentication using a Kerberos service.

Correct Answer is : Enterprise

19. MongoDB Enterprise supports proxy authentication through :

Correct Answer is : LDAP

20. Every MongoDB mongod and mongos instance (or mongod.exe or mongos.exe on Windows) must have an associated :

Correct Answer is : service principal