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Total Questions: 20

1. _______ lets you manage cube context from within an MDX script.

Correct Answer is : CALCULATE

2. Point out the correct statement :

Correct Answer is : SELECT statement is the the most frequently used query in MDX

3. ________ causes the server to raise an error when Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services finds any error in the MDX script.

Correct Answer is : IgnoreNone

4. The Backus-Naur Form (BNF) of {*( | | )} will be parsed as ______ for backwards compatibility.

Correct Answer is : {*}

5. Point out the wrong statement :

Correct Answer is : MDX queries can have three query axes in the SELECT statement

6. ___________ creates a calculation that evaluates a Multidimensional Expressions (MDX) expression over a specified set of tuples within a cube.


7. CREATE [ SESSION ] [HIDDEN] [ CALCULATED ] MEMBER CURRENTCUBE | Cube_Name.Member_Name AS MDX_Expression [,Property_Name = Property_Value, ...n] ......[,SCOPE_ISOLATION = CUBE] Preceding code is syntax of the following statement :

Correct Answer is : CREATE MEMBER

8. Which of the following is valid syntax for CREATE GLOBAL CUBE ?

Correct Answer is : CREATE GLOBAL CUBE [LocalReseller] Storage 'C:\LocalAWReseller1.cub' FROM [Adventure Works] ( MEASURE [Adventure Works].[Reseller Sales Amount], DIMENSION [Adventure Works].[Reseller], DIMENSION [Adventure Works].[DATE] )

9. Which of the following is MDX Data Definition Statement ?

Correct Answer is : CREATE ACTION

10. Valid syntax for REFRESH CUBE statement is :

Correct Answer is : REFRESH CUBECube_Name

11. __________ is the set of hierarchies from which data is retrieved for a single member.

Correct Answer is : Slicer axis

12. Point out the correct statement :

Correct Answer is : In the SELECT statement, the FROM clause determines the cube context

13. When you include a many-to-many dimension, the following rules apply

Correct Answer is : All of the mentioned

14. _________ statement is used to write back data to any cell in a cube that aggregates to its parent using the SUM aggregation.

Correct Answer is : UPDATE CUBE

15. Point out the wrong statement :

Correct Answer is : When updated cells overlap, the Update Isolation Level connection string property can be used to enhance performance for UPDATE CUBE

16. Which of the following scenario demonstrates USE_EQUAL_INCREMENT allocation method ?

Correct Answer is : = + ( - ) / COUNT(leaf cells contained IN )

17. If a weight expression is not specified, the UPDATE CUBE statement implicitly uses the following expression:

Correct Answer is : Weight_Expression = /

18. When used on a measure that contains integers, the _________ method can return imprecise results caused by incremental rounding changes.


19. Which of the following is valid syntax for DRILLTHROUGH statement ?

Correct Answer is : DRILLTHROUGH[MAXROWSUnsigned_Integer] [RETURNSet_of_Attributes_and_Measures [,Set_of_Attributes_and_Measures ...] ]

20. Which of the following keyword forces a specified set to be evaluated within the current context ?

Correct Answer is : EXISTING