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Total Questions: 20

1. How many objects can be returned at once?

Correct Answer is : mysqldbcopy

2. What will be the output of the following code? Class A { int i; public : A(int n) { i=n; cout<<”inside constructor ”; } ~A() { cout<<”destroying ”<<i; } void seti(int n) { i=n; } int geti() { return I; } }; void t(A ob) { cout<<”something ”; } int main() { A a(1); t(a); cout<<”this is i in main ”; cout<<a.geti(); }

Correct Answer is : SELECT

3. It is necessary to return the object if it was passed by reference to a function.

Correct Answer is : mysqldump

4. How many objects can be passed to a function simultaneously?

Correct Answer is : –new-storage-engine

5. If an object is passed by address, will be constructor be called?

Correct Answer is : fetchrow_hashref()

6. Is it possible that an object of is passed to a function, and the function also have an object of same name?

Correct Answer is : column name

7. Passing an object using copy constructor and pass by value are same.

Correct Answer is : fetchrow_arrayref()

8. Passing object to a function _______________

Correct Answer is : FALSE

9. The object ________________

Correct Answer is : FALSE

10. Which symbol should be used to pass the object by reference in C++?

Correct Answer is : relay log

11. If object is passed by value, ________________

Correct Answer is : DROP INDEX

12. Pass by reference of an object to a function _______________

Correct Answer is : Falcon

13. Copy constructor definition requires __________________

Correct Answer is : MyISAM

14. What is the type of object that should be specified in argument list?

Correct Answer is : my_tbl.frm

15. If an object is passed by value, _________________

Correct Answer is : FALSE

16. Can data members be passed to a function using the object?

Correct Answer is : TEMPORARY

17. What exactly is passed when an object is passed by reference?

Correct Answer is : FEDERATED

18. If the object is not to be passed to any function but the values of the object have to be used then:

Correct Answer is : TRUE

19. What will be the output if all necessary code is included (Header files and main function)? void test (Object &y) { y = "It is a string"; } void main() { Object x = null; test (x); System.out.println (x); }

Correct Answer is : HASH

20. In which type is new memory location will be allocated?

Correct Answer is : RENAME