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Total Questions: 20

1. Pass by reference and pass by value can’t be done simultaneously in a single function argument list.

Correct Answer is : 16

2. Which language among the following doesn’t allow pointers?

Correct Answer is : TRUE

3. Which is correct syntax for declaring pointer to object?

Correct Answer is : -1.58

4. Which operator should be used to access the members of the class using object pointer?

Correct Answer is : 64

5. How does compiler decide the intended object to be used, if more than one object are used?

Correct Answer is : 65

6. If pointer to an object is declared, ___________

Correct Answer is : double precision floating point

7. What is the size of object pointer?

Correct Answer is : 0b

8. A pointer _________________

Correct Answer is : TRUE

9. Pointer to a base class can be initialized with the address of derived class, because of _________

Correct Answer is : string

10. Can pointers to object access the private members of the class?

Correct Answer is : identifier-quoting character

11. Is name of an array of objects is also a pointer to object?

Correct Answer is : FALSE

12. Which is the correct syntax to call a member function using pointer?

Correct Answer is : ‘\r’

13. If pointer to an object is created and the object gets deleted without using the pointer:

Correct Answer is : NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES

14. How can the address stored in the pointer be retrieved?

Correct Answer is : 65536

15. What should be done to prevent changes that may be made to the values pointed by the pointer?

Correct Answer is : abcd and 1633837924

16. References to object are same as pointers of object.

Correct Answer is : 2

17. Which among the following best describes polymorphism?

Correct Answer is : TRUE

18. What do you call the languages that support classes but not polymorphism?

Correct Answer is : CONVERT()

19. Which among the following is the language which supports classes but not polymorphism?

Correct Answer is : LENGTH()

20. If same message is passed to objects of several different classes and all of those can respond in a different way, what is this feature called?

Correct Answer is : character_set_system