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Total Questions: 20

1. Which data members among the following are static by default?

Correct Answer is : 2

2. What is the output of the following program? class Test { private: static int x; public: static void fun() { cout << ++x << “ ”; } }; int Test :: x =20; void main() { Test x; x.fun(); x.fun(); }

Correct Answer is : 1

3. Whenever any static data member is declared in a class ______________________

Correct Answer is : mysql_error()

4. If object of class are created, then the static data members can be accessed ____________

Correct Answer is : mysql_errno()

5. What will be the output of the following program? class Test { public: Test() { cout << "Test's Constructor is Called " << endl; } };   class Result { static Test a; public: Result() { cout << "Result's Constructor is Called " << endl; } };   void main() { Result b; }

Correct Answer is : mysql_sqlstate()

6. Which among the following is wrong syntax related to static data members?

Correct Answer is : pointer

7. Which among the following is correct definition for static member functions?

Correct Answer is :

8. The static member functions __________________

Correct Answer is : TRUE

9. The static member functions ____________________

Correct Answer is : all

10. Which is correct syntax to access the static member functions with class name?

Correct Answer is : FALSE

11. Which among the following is not applicable for the static member functions?

Correct Answer is : TRUE

12. The static members are ______________________

Correct Answer is : TIME

13. The static member functions _______________

Correct Answer is : SHOW WARNINGS

14. Which keyword should be used to declare the static member functions?


15. The keyword static is used _______________

Correct Answer is : TRADITIONAL

16. Which among the following can’t be used to access the members in any way?

Correct Answer is : TRADITIONAL

17. We can use the static member functions and static data member __________________

Correct Answer is : ALLOW_INVALID_DATES

18. The static data member _________________

Correct Answer is : IGNORE

19. If static data member are made inline, ______________

Correct Answer is : NO_ZERO_DATE

20. Which is a true statement for object of String class?

Correct Answer is : TRUE