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Total Questions: 20

1. The non-template functions can be added with default arguments to already declared functions ____________________

Correct Answer is : If and only if the function is declared again in the same scope

2. The using declaration __________

Correct Answer is : Carries over the known default arguments

3. The names given to the default arguments are only looked up and ________________. And are bound during declaration.

Correct Answer is : Checked for accessibility

4. The default argument get bound during declaration ________________

Correct Answer is : But are executed during function call

5. The virtual function overrides ____________

Correct Answer is : Do not acquire base class declaration of default arguments

6. What is delete operator?

Correct Answer is : Deallocates a block of memory

7. If an object is allocated using new operator ____________

Correct Answer is : It should be deleted using delete operator

8. Does delete return any value?

Correct Answer is : No

9. Which type of value is resulted from the delete operator?

Correct Answer is : void

10. If delete is used to delete an object which was not allocated using new _______________

Correct Answer is : Then unpredictable errors may arise

11. Delete operator _________________

Correct Answer is : Can be used on pointer with value 0

12. When delete operator is used ___________________ (If object has a destructor)

Correct Answer is : Object destructor is called before deallocation

13. If delete is applied to an object whose l-value is modifiable, then _______________ after the object is deleted.

Correct Answer is : Its value is undefined

14. How many variants of delete operator are available?

Correct Answer is : Only 2

15. Which is the correct syntax to delete a single object?

Correct Answer is : delete objectName;

16. Which is the correct syntax to delete array of objects?

Correct Answer is : delete [] objectName;

17. Which cases among the following produces the undefined result?

Correct Answer is : delete [] on an object and delete on object array

18. The delete operator __________________

Correct Answer is : Invokes function operator delete

19. For objects that are not of class type ______________

Correct Answer is : Global delete operator is invoked

20. The delete operator __________________________

Correct Answer is : Can be defined for each class