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Total Questions: 20

1. Which among the following is best definition of a derived class?

Correct Answer is : A class which inherits one or more classes

2. Which among the following is inherited by a derived class from base class?

Correct Answer is : All the members except private members

3. If there is a derived class in a program, how many classes must be in that program?

Correct Answer is : 2

4. Which members can never be accessed in derived class from the base class?

Correct Answer is : All except private

5. How many types of inheritance are supported in C++ for deriving a class?

Correct Answer is : 3

6. How many derived class can a single base class have?

Correct Answer is : As many are required

7. Which among the following is correct?

Correct Answer is : Friend function of derived class can access non-private members of base class

8. If a class is being derived using more than two base classes, which inheritance will be used?

Correct Answer is : Multiple

9. Derived class is also known as ______________ class.

Correct Answer is : Subclass

10. If class A is derived from another derived class B which is derived from class C, which class will have maximum level of abstraction?

Correct Answer is : Class C

11. If base class is an abstract class then derived class ______________ the undefined functions.

Correct Answer is : Must become another abstract class or define

12. How many classes can be derived from a derived class?

Correct Answer is : As many as required

13. The members of a derived class can never be derived.

Correct Answer is : FALSE

14. Which feature is not related to the derived classes among the following?

Correct Answer is : Run time memory management

15. Deriving a class in such a way that that the base class members are not available for further inheritance is known as ___________________

Correct Answer is : Private inheritance

16. Which among the following describes a destructor?

Correct Answer is : A special function that is called to free the resources, acquired by the object

17. When a destructor is called?

Correct Answer is : Just before the end of object life

18. Which among the following is correct for abstract class destructors?

Correct Answer is : It doesn’t have destructors

19. If in multiple inheritance, class C inherits class B, and Class B inherits class A. In which sequence are their destructors called, if an object of class C was declared?

Correct Answer is : ~C() then ~B() then ~A()

20. Choose the correct sequence of destructors being called for the following code: class A{ }; class B{ }; class C: public A, public B{ };

Correct Answer is : ~C(), ~B(), ~A()