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Total Questions: 20

1. DataInputStream is derived from ______________________

Correct Answer is : StreamInput

2. Which attribute can be used to get the size of an array?

Correct Answer is : Array_name.length

3. Number class can’t manipulate ____________________

Correct Answer is : Character values

4. Which function should be used to exit from the program that is provided by System class?

Correct Answer is : exit(int);

5. Which class contain runFinalization() method?

Correct Answer is : System

6. What does load(String)::= function do, in System class?

Correct Answer is : Loads dynamic library for a path name

7. Which is not a System class variable?

Correct Answer is : put

8. Which package contains the utility classes?

Correct Answer is : java.util

9. Which among the following best describes the Inheritance?

Correct Answer is : Using the data and functions into derived segment

10. How many basic types of inheritance are provided as OOP feature?

Correct Answer is : 4

11. Which among the following best defines single level inheritance?

Correct Answer is : A class inheriting a base class

12. Which among the following is correct for multiple inheritance?

Correct Answer is : class student{public: int marks;}s; class stream{int total;}; class topper:public student, public stream{ };

13. Which among the following is correct for hierarchical inheritance?

Correct Answer is : One base class can be derived into other two derived classes or more

14. Which is the correct syntax of inheritance?

Correct Answer is : class derived_classname : access base_classname{ /*define class body*/ };

15. Which type of inheritance leads to diamond problem?

Correct Answer is : Multiple

16. Which access type data gets derived as private member in derived class:

Correct Answer is : Private

17. If a base class is inherited in protected access mode then which among the following is true?

Correct Answer is : Public and Protected members of base class becomes protected members of derived class

18. Members which are not intended to be inherited are declared as:

Correct Answer is : Private members

19. While inheriting a class, if no access mode is specified, then which among the following is true? (in C++)

Correct Answer is : It gets inherited privately by default

20. If a derived class object is created, which constructor is called first?

Correct Answer is : Base class constructor