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Total Questions: 20

1. If a virtual member function is defined, ___________

Correct Answer is : It should not contain any body and defined by subclasses

2. Member functions of a generic class are _____________

Correct Answer is : Automatically generic

3. Member function of a class can ____________

Correct Answer is : Access all the members of the class

4. Which among the following is proper syntax for class given below? class A { int a,b; public : void disp(); }

Correct Answer is : void A::disp(){ }

5. A member function can _______________ of the same class

Correct Answer is : Call other member functions

6. Which member function doesn’t require any return type?

Correct Answer is : Constructor and destructor

7. Which among the following is not possible for member function?

Correct Answer is : Access public members of subclass

8. Which among the following are valid ways of overloading the operators?

Correct Answer is : Either member functions or friend functions can be used

9. Which among the following is mandatory condition for operators overloading?

Correct Answer is : Overloaded operator must be member function of the left operand

10. When the operator to be overloaded becomes the left operand member then ______________

Correct Answer is : The left operand acts as implicit object represented by *this

11. If the left operand is pointed by *this pointer, what happens to other operands?

Correct Answer is : Other operands are passed as function arguments

12. If a friend overloaded operator have to be changed to member overloaded operator, which operator should be used with the class name?

Correct Answer is : Scope resolution operator

13. What is the syntax to overload an operator?

Correct Answer is : className::operator(parameters)

14. Why the left parameter is removed from parameter list?

Correct Answer is : Because it becomes parameter pointed by *this

15. Which object’s members can be called directly while overloading operator function is used (In function definition)?

Correct Answer is : Left operand members

16. If left operand member is specified directly in the function definition, which is the correct implicit conversion of that syntax?

Correct Answer is : *this object

17. When the friend operator overloading is converted into member operator overloading _______________

Correct Answer is : Two parameters of friend function becomes only one parameter of member function

18. Where in the parameter list is the implicit *this is added?

Correct Answer is : Left most parameter

19. Which operator among the following can be overloading using only member function?

Correct Answer is : Assignment operator

20. Which operator among the following can be overloaded using both friend function and member function?

Correct Answer is : Modulus operator