Object Oriented Programming interview questions part 39
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Total Questions: 20
1. Which among the following is true?
Correct Answer is : The pointer to object can hold address only
2. Which is the correct syntax to call a member function using pointer?
Correct Answer is : pointer->function()
3. If pointer to an object is created and the object gets deleted without using the pointer:
Correct Answer is : It becomes dangling pointer
4. How can the address stored in the pointer be retrieved?
Correct Answer is : Using & symbol
5. What should be done to prevent changes that may be made to the values pointed by the pointer?
Correct Answer is : Pointer should be made const
6. References to object are same as pointers of object.
Correct Answer is : FALSE
7. Which among the following best describes polymorphism?
Correct Answer is : It is the ability for a message/data to be processed in more than one form
8. What do you call the languages that support classes but not polymorphism?
Correct Answer is : Object-based language
9. Which among the following is the language which supports classes but not polymorphism?
Correct Answer is : Ada
10. If same message is passed to objects of several different classes and all of those can respond in a different way, what is this feature called?
Correct Answer is : Polymorphism
11. Which class/set of classes can illustrate polymorphism in the following code:
abstract class student
public : int marks;
class topper:public student
public : calc_grade()
return 10;
class average:public student
public : calc_grade()
return 20;
class failed{ int marks; };
Correct Answer is : All class student, topper and average together can show polymorphism
12. Which type of function among the following shows polymorphism?
Correct Answer is : Virtual function
13. In case of using abstract class or function overloading, which function is supposed to be called first?
Correct Answer is : Function with highest priority in compiler
14. Which among the following can’t be used for polymorphism?
Correct Answer is : Static member functions
15. What is output of the following program?
class student
public : int marks;
void disp()
cout<<”its base class”
class topper:public student
public :
void disp()
cout<<”Its derived class”;
void main() { student s; topper t;
Correct Answer is : Its base classIts derived class
16. Which among the following can show polymorphism?
Correct Answer is : Overloading <<
17. Find the output of the program:
class education
char name[10];
public : disp()
cout<<”Its education system”;
class school:public education
public: void dsip()
cout<<”Its school education system”;
void main()
school s;
Correct Answer is : Its school education system
18. Polymorphism is possible in C language.
Correct Answer is : TRUE
19. Which problem may arise if we use abstract class functions for polymorphism?
Correct Answer is : All the derived classes must implement the undefined functions
20. Which among the following is not true for polymorphism?
Correct Answer is : Increases overhead of function definition always