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Total Questions: 20

1. If 2 classes derive one base class and redefine a function of base class, also overload some operators inside class body. Among these two things of function and operator overloading, where is polymorphism used?

Correct Answer is : Either function overloading or operator overloading because polymorphism can be applied only once in a program

2. If a function has to be called only by using other member functions of the class, what should be the access specifier used for that function?

Correct Answer is : Private

3. Which among the following is correct for the code given below? class student { private: student() { } public : student( int x) { marks =x; } };

Correct Answer is : Only the object with only 1 parameter can be created

4. Which among the following is true for the code given below? class A { private : int marks; char name[20]; public : A(int x=100) { marks=x; } };

Correct Answer is : Objects can be created with one parameter or without parameter

5. Which among the following is correct to call a private member from outside the class?

Correct Answer is : Not possible

6. If private members has to be accessed directly from outside the class but the access specifier must not be changed, what should be done?

Correct Answer is : Friend function should be used

7. Which access specifier is/are most secure during inheritance?

Correct Answer is : Private

8. Choose the correct option for the code given below class A{ static int c=0; public: A(){ c++; } };

Correct Answer is : Constructor will keep number of objects created

9. Which option is false for the following code? class A { private : int sum(int x, int y) { return x+y; } public: A() { } A(int x, int y) { cout<<sum(x,y); } };

Correct Answer is : Constructor will take 0 as default value of parameters if not passed

10. Which member will never be used from the following class? class A() { int marks; char name[20]; public : A() { marks=100; } void disp() { cout<<”Marks= ”<'<marks; cout<<”Student”; } };

Correct Answer is : name variable will never be used

11. Private member functions can be overloaded.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

12. Which among the following is true?

Correct Answer is : Private member function can’t be overridden

13. Which data member in following code will be used whenever an object is created? Class A { int x; int y; int z; public : A() { y=100; x=100*y; } };

Correct Answer is : z will be used

14. Which member can be considered most secure in the code below? class A() { int a; private : int b; protected : int c; public : int d; };

Correct Answer is : b

15. Which among the following is correct for the code given below? class A { private : A() { } public : A(int x) { } }; A a; A b(100);

Correct Answer is : Program will give compile time error

16. Which among the following is correct?

Correct Answer is : Private specifier can be used anywhere in class

17. Which is private member functions access scope?

Correct Answer is : Member functions which can only be used within the class

18. Which among the following is true?

Correct Answer is : The private members can be accessed by public members of the class

19. Which member can never be accessed by inherited classes?

Correct Answer is : Private member function

20. Which syntax among the following shows that a member is private in a class?

Correct Answer is : private functionName(parameters)