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Total Questions: 20

1. Which keyword should be used to declare the static member functions?

Correct Answer is : static

2. The keyword static is used _______________

Correct Answer is : With declaration inside class and not with definition outside the class

3. The keyword static is used _______________

Correct Answer is : With declaration inside class and not with definition outside the class

4. Which among the following can’t be used to access the members in any way?

Correct Answer is : Single colon

5. Which among the following can’t be used to access the members in any way?

Correct Answer is : Single colon

6. We can use the static member functions and static data member __________________

Correct Answer is : Even if class object is not created

7. We can use the static member functions and static data member __________________

Correct Answer is : Even if class object is not created

8. The static data member _________________

Correct Answer is : Can’t be mutable

9. The static data member _________________

Correct Answer is : Can’t be mutable

10. If static data member are made inline, ______________

Correct Answer is : Those can be initialized within the class

11. If static data member are made inline, ______________

Correct Answer is : Those can be initialized within the class

12. Which is a true statement for object of String class?

Correct Answer is : Object are immutable

13. How to declare an object of class String?

Correct Answer is : String object_Name = value;

14. What does function length do in String class?

Correct Answer is : Returns length of string excluding null character

15. Which is the function to get the character present at a particular index in the string?

Correct Answer is : char charAt(index);

16. If only one parameter is passed to substring function then __________________

Correct Answer is : It returns the string from specified index till the end

17. If two index are given as argument to substring function then ___________________

Correct Answer is : String starting from first index and ending at second index position

18. String class have a concat() function that is used to _____________________

Correct Answer is : Append one string at end of another string

19. The function lastIndexOf() is used to ___________________

Correct Answer is : Get the index of last occurrence of specified character in argument

20. Function equals() is _______________ and equalIgnoreCase() is _________________

Correct Answer is : Case sensitive, Case insensitive