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Total Questions: 20

1. Template classes must have at least one static member.

Correct Answer is : FALSE

2. Which is the pointer which denotes the object calling the member function?

Correct Answer is : This pointer

3. Which among the following is true?

Correct Answer is : this pointer is passed implicitly when member functions are called

4. The this pointer is accessible __________________

Correct Answer is : Only within non-static functions

5. An object’s this pointer _____________________

Correct Answer is : Isn’t part of object itself

6. The result of sizeof() function __________________

Correct Answer is : Doesn’t include the space taken by this pointer

7. Whenever non-static member functions are called _______________

Correct Answer is : Address of the object is passed implicitly as an argument

8. Which is the correct interpretation of the member function call from an object, object.function(parameter);

Correct Answer is : function(&object,parameter)

9. The address of the object _________________

Correct Answer is : Is available inside the member function using this pointer

10. Which among the following is true?

Correct Answer is : This pointer can be used to guard against self-reference

11. Which syntax doesn’t execute/is false when executed?

Correct Answer is : if(&object != this)

12. The this pointers _____________________

Correct Answer is : Are non-modifiable

13. Earlier implementations of C++ ___________________

Correct Answer is : Allowed assignments to this pointer

14. This pointer can be used directly to ___________

Correct Answer is : To manipulate self-referential data structures

15. Which among the following is/are type(s) of this pointer?

Correct Answer is : const or volatile

16. Which is the correct syntax for declaring type of this in a member function?

Correct Answer is : [cv-qualifier-list] classType *const this;

17. How many types of constructors are available, in general, in any language?

Correct Answer is : 3

18. Choose the correct option for the following code. class student { int marks; } student s1; student s2=2;

Correct Answer is : Program gives compile time error

19. Which constructor is called while assigning some object with another?

Correct Answer is : Copy

20. It’s necessary to pass object by reference in copy constructor because:

Correct Answer is : Constructor is not called in pass by reference