Object Oriented Programming interview questions part 7
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Total Questions: 20
1. If classes produce some exceptions, then ______________________
Correct Answer is : Their respective catch block must be defined
2. Which among the following is true?
Correct Answer is : Both the base and derived class catch blocks are important
3. Which is the necessary condition to define the base and derived class catch blocks?
Correct Answer is : Derived class catch should be defined first
4. Only the base class catch box can handle more than one exception in single block.
Correct Answer is : FALSE
5. Which condition among the following might result in memory exception?
Correct Answer is : Infinite loops
6. Which among the following is the main characteristic of class?
Correct Answer is : Encapsulation
7. To group all the brands of cars, what should be used?
Correct Answer is : Class
8. If a class have two data members and two functions to add those two numbers and to subtract them, which among the following is most efficient if the programmer wants to implement multiplication too?
Correct Answer is : Define a public function that returns values of two data members
9. If a database have to be maintained using OOP, to store the details of each employee in a company, which would be the best choice among the following?
Correct Answer is : Define a class to store details of each employee
10. Which class represents the most abstracted information?
Correct Answer is : Base
11. Which among the following is an advantage of using classes over structures of C?
Correct Answer is : Functions can also be encapsulated
12. Which among the follow is a feature of class?
Correct Answer is : Object orientation
13. Class is _____________ of an object.
Correct Answer is : Blueprint
14. In which case the classes can be used to make more efficient program?
Correct Answer is : To group the most similar data and operations
15. What is the use of inbuilt classes?
Correct Answer is : Provide predefined data and functions
16. .Which feature is exhibited by the inbuilt classes?
Correct Answer is : Code reusability, efficiency and readability
17. Why do we use user defined classes?
Correct Answer is : To model real world objects
18. Why do classes use accessor methods?
Correct Answer is : To make private data accessible to the client
19. Why do classes use mutator methods?
Correct Answer is : Allows client to modify/write the private members
20. Which among the following is the most abstract form of class?