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Total Questions: 20

1. POST-BLOCK trigger is also a ?

Correct Answer is : Navigational Trigger

2. The system variable that records the select statement that SQL * FORMS most recently used to populate a block is __________

Correct Answer is : SYSTEM.LAST_QUERY

3. In Oracle, which of the following package procedure is UNRESTRICTED ?

Correct Answer is : USER_EXIT

4. What is SQL * FORMS ?

Correct Answer is : SQL * FORMS is a 4GL tool for developing and executing Oracle based interactive based application

5. Which of the following statement is false ?

Correct Answer is : Oracle checks Uniqueness of User defined errors

6. What is the result of the following ‘PAN’NULL’KAJ’?

Correct Answer is : PANKAJ

7. Below is the EMP table EMPNO ENAME SALARY A29 PANKAJ 10000 A23 SAHIL 20000 A48 ABHYUDAY A83 KRISHNA 30000 Select count(SALARY) from EMP; will result in

Correct Answer is : 3

8. Which of the following queries displays the sum of all employee salaries for those employees not making commission, for each job, including only those sums greater than 2500?

Correct Answer is : select job, sum(Sal) from Emp where comm is null group by job having sum(Sal) > 2500;

9. Where is data dictionary kept?

Correct Answer is : SYSTEM Tablespace

10. Which schema object instructs Oracle to connect to remotely access an object of a database?

Correct Answer is : Data Link

11. Which of the following object types below cannot be replicated?

Correct Answer is : Sequence

12. How we can force a log switch?

Correct Answer is : By using ALTER SYSTEM SWITCH LOGFILE

13. In the below given query, which expression is evaluated first? SELECT id_number, (quantity – 100 / 0.15 – 35 * 20) FROM inventory

Correct Answer is : 100 / 0.15

14. The ORDER BY clause can only be used in ___________

Correct Answer is : SELECT queries

15. Which of the following rule below are categories of index?

Correct Answer is : Column and Functional

16. What is the purpose of SMON (System Monitor Process) background process?

Correct Answer is : Performs crash recovery when a failed instance starts up again

17. Recycle bin can be turned on or off this. This parameter is stored in which of the below file?

Correct Answer is : PARAMETER FILE

18. When a transaction modifies the database, Oracle copies the original data before modifying it. The original copy of the modified data is called

Correct Answer is : Undo Data

19. A collection of data designed to be used by different people is called a/an

Correct Answer is : Database

20. Which of the following is the oldest database model?

Correct Answer is : Network