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Total Questions: 20

1. How can a SQL developer add a key on a table?

Correct Answer is : All of the Mentioned

2. A _______________ key is a minimal super key

Correct Answer is : Candidate

3. Which of the following is not a Key in SQL Server?

Correct Answer is : Secondary

4. What is true about Unique and primary key?

Correct Answer is : Unique can have single NULL value but Primary can’t have even single.

5. By default, which key creates Clustered index?

Correct Answer is : Primary Key

6. A Key which is a set of one or more columns that can identify a record uniquely is called?

Correct Answer is : Candidate key

7. Which key accepts multiple NULL values?

Correct Answer is : Foreign Key

8. A Foreign key is combined with a foreign key creates

Correct Answer is : Parent child relationship between the tables that connect them

9. Which of the following statements is not correct?

Correct Answer is : Specifying a zero (0) for the lower bound for the association multiplicity on a class diagram indicates that the item is required

10. In a database, a foreign key is ?

Correct Answer is : A data element/attribute within a data field of a data record within a database table that is a primary key in another database table

11. What is the full form of SQL?

Correct Answer is : Structured Query Language

12. Which is the subset of SQL commands used to manipulate Oracle Database structures, including tables?

Correct Answer is : Data Definition Language(DDL)

13. In SQL, which command is used to SELECT only one copy of each set of duplicable rows

Correct Answer is : SELECT DISTINCT

14. A command that lets you change one or more fields in a record is

Correct Answer is : Modify

15. Which of the SQL statements is correct?

Correct Answer is : SELECT Username, Password FROM Users

16. The SQL statement SELECT SUBSTR(‘123456789’, INSTR(‘abcabcabc’, ‘b’), 4) FROM DUAL;

Correct Answer is : 2345

17. Table Employee has 10 records. It has a non-NULL SALARY column which is also UNIQUE. The SQL statement SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Employee WHERE SALARY > ANY (SELECT SALARY FROM EMPLOYEE); prints

Correct Answer is : 9

18. Find the temperature in increasing order of all cities

Correct Answer is : SELECT city, temperature FROM weather ORDER BY temperature;

19. Which of the following is illegal?

Correct Answer is : None of the Mentioned

20. Let the statement : SELECT column1 FROM myTable; return 10 rows. The statement : SELECT ALL column1 FROM myTable; will return

Correct Answer is : exactly 10 rows