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Total Questions: 20

1. The length of a list is ______ to the number of components in that list.

Correct Answer is : 1

2. Which function can be used to determine the names assigned to a list?

Correct Answer is : 1

3. Joining two lists can be achieved either using the _________ function.

Correct Answer is : b is executeda is executedb is executed

4. Which function gives the list as output?

Correct Answer is : 5 + 10 = 20

5. Density function gives output as ________

Correct Answer is : Original Value is 15

6. Locator function gives output as ___________

Correct Answer is : Returned value from the function : 30

7. The _________ function returns a list of densities (y) corresponding to bin values (x).

Correct Answer is : HelloWorld

8. _________ is new package that makes it easy to “tidy” your data.

Correct Answer is : this worksthis too works

9. Which of the following is complementary to tidyr ?

Correct Answer is : 4

10. How many functions exist for tidying the data ?

Correct Answer is : I am awesome!!

11. Which of the following function takes multiple columns ?

Correct Answer is : o’malley wins the heavyweight championship!

12. __________ uses regex groups instead of a splitting pattern or position.

Correct Answer is : Salad is good

13. Which of the following function works similar to separate() ?

Correct Answer is : Hello

14. Which of the following d takes two columns and spreads them in to multiple columns ?

Correct Answer is : I Love My Country

15. Spread function is known as ___________ in spreadsheets.

Correct Answer is : welcome to India

16. __________ is used when you have variables that form rows instead of columns.

Correct Answer is : Hello World!

17. Which of the following merges two variables into one ?

Correct Answer is : What does \”yolo\” mean?

18. How many functions exist for wrangling the data with dplyr package ?

Correct Answer is : Array ( [0] => Hello [1] => world. [2] => It’s [3] => a [4] => beautiful [5] => day. )

19. ________ function is similar to the existing subset() function in R

Correct Answer is : Hello World

20. The ______ operator allows you to string operations in a left-to-right fashion

Correct Answer is : 7