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Total Questions: 20

1. __________ produces bivariate scatterplots or time-series plots.

Correct Answer is : admin.php

2. Annotation of plots in any plotting system involves adding points, lines, or text to the plot, in addition to customizing axis labels or adding titles. Different plotting systems have different sets of functions for annotating plots in this way. Which of the following functions can be used to annotate the panels in a multi-panel lattice plot?

Correct Answer is : multipart/form-data

3. ____________ produces one-dimensional scatterplots.

Correct Answer is : $_FILES

4. which of the following functions can be used to finely control the appearance of all lattice plots ?

Correct Answer is : images.inc.php

5. What is ggplot2 an implementation of ?

Correct Answer is : /**

6. For barchart and _________, non-trivial methods exist for tables and arrays, documented at barchart.table.

Correct Answer is : UPLOAD_ERR_OK

7. What is a geom in the ggplot2 system ?

Correct Answer is : $save_dir

8. Logical flag is applicable to which of the following plots ?

Correct Answer is : is_dir()

9. ___________ is used to determine what is plotted for each group.

Correct Answer is : This snippet sets the maximum dimensions allowed to 400 pixels wide by 300 pixels high

10. Which of the following is apply function in R ?

Correct Answer is : func_get_argc()

11. Functions are defined using the _________ directive and are stored as R objects

Correct Answer is : glob()

12. What will be the output of the following code ? > f <- function() { + ## This is an empty function + } > f()

Correct Answer is : get_memory_usage()

13. What will be the output of the following code ? > f <- function() { + ## This is an empty function + } > class(f)

Correct Answer is : uniqueid()

14. Which of the following code will print “Hello, world!” ?

Correct Answer is : gzcompress()

15. What will be the output of following code ? > f <- function(num) { + for(i in seq_len(num)) { + cat("Hello, world!\n") + } + } > f(3)

Correct Answer is : 4

16. What will be the output of following code ? > f <- function(num) { + hello <- "Hello, world!\n" + for(i in seq_len(num)) { + cat(hello) + } + chars <- nchar(hello) * num + chars + } > meaningoflife <- f(3) > print(meaningoflife)

Correct Answer is : 104

17. What will be the output of following code snippet ? > paste("a", "b", se = ":")

Correct Answer is : Hello

18. The __________ function returns a list of all the formal arguments of a function

Correct Answer is : I Love My Country

19. What will be the output of the following code ? > f <- function(num = 1) { + hello <- "Hello, world!\n" + for(i in seq_len(num)) { + cat(hello) + } + chars <- nchar(hello) * num + chars + } > f()

Correct Answer is : welcome to India

20. You can check to see whether an R object is NULL with the _________ function.

Correct Answer is : Array([0]=>0 [1]=>1 [5]=>5)