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Total Questions: 20

1. The primary source code copyright for R is held by the ___________

Correct Answer is : 42

2. R is published under the __________ General Public License version.

Correct Answer is : 2

3. You can download “base” R system from _________

Correct Answer is : error at line2

4. There are more than ________ packages on CRAN that have been developed by users and programmers around the world.

Correct Answer is : 0

5. At higher level one “limitation” of R is that its functionality is based on __________

Correct Answer is : 0

6. Which of the following command is used to print an object “x” in R?

Correct Answer is : 1

7. Which language is best for the statistical environment?

Correct Answer is : result is 1

8. In order to use the R-related functionality in Dundas BI, you must have access to an existing _________

Correct Answer is : infinite loop

9. The open source _________ software is available for Unix, Linux, and Windows platforms.

Correct Answer is : infinite loop

10. Modification in Dundas BI is done ______________

Correct Answer is : 4hello4hello4hello4hello4hello…..infinite

11. R has many functions regarding ________________

Correct Answer is : 555555555…infinitely

12. ___________ hosts many add-on packages that can be used to extend the functionality of R.

Correct Answer is : 54321111111….infinitely

13. Which is simpler for statistical programming?

Correct Answer is : 1234567891011121314….infinitely

14. A _______________ is a variable that holds one value at a time.

Correct Answer is : no output

15. Which of the following return a subset of the columns of a data frame?

Correct Answer is : 00000000000000000000….infinitely

16. _________ extract a subset of rows from a dataframe based on logical conditions.

Correct Answer is : 210

17. _________ generate summary statistics of different variables in the data frame, possibly within strata

Correct Answer is : infinite loop

18. The _______ operator is used to connect multiple verb actions together into a pipeline

Correct Answer is : 24

19. The dplyr package can be installed from GitHub using the _______ package

Correct Answer is : 24

20. The dplyr package can be installed from CRAN using :

Correct Answer is : 0