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Total Questions: 15

1. Secure digital card application uses which protocol?

Correct Answer is : SPI

2. SPI device communicates in _________

Correct Answer is : Full duplex

3. Do SPI have/has a single master?

Correct Answer is : TRUE

4. SPI is described as Asynchronous serial interface.

Correct Answer is : FALSE

5. How many logic signals are there in SPI?

Correct Answer is : 5 signals

6. SPI uses how many lines?

Correct Answer is : 2 lines

7. MOSI means __________

Correct Answer is : Line for master to send data to the slave

8. MISO means _________

Correct Answer is : Line for the slave to send data to the master

9. Which of the following is an advantage of SPI?

Correct Answer is : No start and stop bits

10. Which of the following is the disadvantage in SPI?

Correct Answer is : More pins

11. Which of the following is the type of SPI controller?

Correct Answer is : Queued SPI

12. __________ is a predecessor of SPI.

Correct Answer is : Microwire

13. Which has a half duplex communication?

Correct Answer is : Microwire

14. Do SPI have internal flash?

Correct Answer is : TRUE

15. SMBUS stands for ___________

Correct Answer is : System Management Bus