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Total Questions: 20

1. To bind a row onto an already existing matrix, the ______ function can be used.

Correct Answer is : Rbind

2. Which of the following is a 3-dimensional dataset?

Correct Answer is : Iris

3. Which dimension corresponds to the explanatory variables collected for each species?

Correct Answer is : Second

4. Using the ________ vector, we create a species factor and bind it to the columns of iris.df.

Correct Answer is : snames

5. Accessing elements is achieved through a process called ________

Correct Answer is : Indexing

6. Which are indexed by either row or column using a specific name or number?

Correct Answer is : Data frames

7. What should we use to access elements with a value greater than five?

Correct Answer is : Subsetting commands

8. Lists can be created using the _______ function.

Correct Answer is : List

9. First component of the list can be accessed by _____________

Correct Answer is : Name of the component

10. How can we access the first component of the list?

Correct Answer is : Number of the position

11. The first component can be accessed using __________ operator.

Correct Answer is : Extraction

12. To extract a sublist, we use _________ brackets.

Correct Answer is : Single

13. The length of a list is ______ to the number of components in that list.

Correct Answer is : Equal

14. Which function can be used to determine the names assigned to a list?

Correct Answer is : Names

15. Joining two lists can be achieved either using the _________ function.

Correct Answer is : Concat

16. Which function gives the list as output?

Correct Answer is : Spline

17. Density function gives output as ________

Correct Answer is : Lists

18. Locator function gives output as ___________

Correct Answer is : Lists

19. The _________ function returns a list of densities (y) corresponding to bin values (x).

Correct Answer is : Spline

20. _________ is new package that makes it easy to “tidy” your data.

Correct Answer is : tidyneat