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Total Questions: 20

1. A _______________ is a variable that holds one value at a time.

Correct Answer is : Scalar variable

2. Which of the following return a subset of the columns of a data frame?

Correct Answer is : select

3. Point out the correct statement :

Correct Answer is : All of the mentioned

4. _________ extract a subset of rows from a dataframe based on logical conditions.

Correct Answer is : rename

5. _________ generate summary statistics of different variables in the data frame, possibly within strata

Correct Answer is : summarize

6. Point out the wrong statement :

Correct Answer is : The dplyr package provides any “new” functionality to R

7. ________ add new variables/columns or transform existing variables

Correct Answer is : mutate

8. The _______ operator is used to connect multiple verb actions together into a pipeline

Correct Answer is : pipe

9. The dplyr package can be installed from GitHub using the _______ package

Correct Answer is : devtools

10. The dplyr package can be installed from CRAN using :

Correct Answer is : install.packages(“dplyr”)

11. Which of the following object is masked from ‘package: stats’?

Correct Answer is : filter

12. Which of the following object is masked from ‘package: stats’?

Correct Answer is : filter

13. The _________ function can be used to select columns of a data frame that you want to focus on.

Correct Answer is : select

14. Point out the correct statement :

Correct Answer is : You can also omit variables using the select() function by using the negative sign

15. ________ function is similar to the existing subset() function in R but is quite a bit faster.

Correct Answer is : filter

16. Columns can be arranged in descending order too by using the special ____ operator.

Correct Answer is : desc()

17. Point out the wrong statement :

Correct Answer is : mute() function, which does the same thing as mutate() but then drops all non-transformed variables

18. The _________ function is used to generate summary statistics from the data frame within strata defined by a variable.

Correct Answer is : group_by()

19. The ______ operator allows you to string operations in a left-to-right fashion.

Correct Answer is : %>%

20. There is an SQL interface for relational databases via the _______ package.

Correct Answer is : DBI