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Total Questions: 20

1. dplyr can be integrated with the ________ package for large fast tables.

Correct Answer is : data.table

2. .Which of the following function is similar to summarize ?

Correct Answer is : group_by()

3. ______ let’s you perform SQL queries on your R data frames.

Correct Answer is : plyr

4. ______ splits a data frame and results an array (hence the da). Hopefully you’re getting the idea here.

Correct Answer is : daply

5. ________ makes it incredibly easy to fit time series models like ARIMA, ARMA, AR, Exponential Smoothing, etc.

Correct Answer is : forecast

6. ________ provides needed string operators in R.

Correct Answer is : stringr

7. Which of the following syntax is used to install forecast package ?

Correct Answer is : install.packages(“forecast”)

8. Which of the following convert a matrix of phi coefficients to polychoric correlations ?

Correct Answer is : phi2poly

9. Which of the following is used to plot multiple histograms ?

Correct Answer is : multi.hist

10. Which of the following count the number of good cases when doing pairwise analysis ?

Correct Answer is : count.pairwise

11. Which of the following gives the summary of values likes mean etc ?

Correct Answer is : describe

12. .The purpose of correct.cor is to correct _________ in values.

Correct Answer is : reliability

13. In practice, Line of best fit or regression line is found when _____________

Correct Answer is : Sum of the square of residuals ( ∑ (Y-h(X))2) is minimum

14. If Linear regression model perfectly first i.e., train error is zero, then _____________________

Correct Answer is : Couldn’t comment on Test error

15. Which of the following metrics can be used for evaluating regression models? i) R Squared ii) Adjusted R Squared iii) F Statistics iv) RMSE / MSE / MAE

Correct Answer is : i, ii, iii and iv

16. How many coefficients do you need to estimate in a simple linear regression model (One independent variable)?

Correct Answer is : 2

17. In a simple linear regression model (One independent variable), If we change the input variable by 1 unit. How much output variable will change?

Correct Answer is : by its slope

18. Function used for linear regression in R is __________

Correct Answer is : lm(formula, data)

19. In syntax of linear model lm(formula,data,..), data refers to ______

Correct Answer is : Vector

20. In the mathematical Equation of Linear Regression Y = β1 + β2X + ϵ, (β1, β2) refers to __________

Correct Answer is : (Y-Intercept, Slope)