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Total Questions: 20

1. ________ provides needed string operators in R.

Correct Answer is : stringr

2. Which of the following syntax is used to install forecast package ?

Correct Answer is : install.packages(“forecast”)

3. Which of the following is similar to Moment.js ?

Correct Answer is : lubridate

4. __________ modifies geom/stat aesthetic defaults for future plots

Correct Answer is : translate_qplot_defaults

5. Which of the following is a library for statistical quality control.

Correct Answer is : qcc

6. ______ specializes in converting data from wide to long format.

Correct Answer is : reshape2

7. ._________ is used to convert wide data to long data.

Correct Answer is : melt

8. ______ is used to view all packages installed.

Correct Answer is : library()

9. ______ is used to get library location in R.

Correct Answer is : .libPaths()

10. ________ is used to view packages currently loaded.

Correct Answer is : search()

11. ________ contains tools for Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC).

Correct Answer is : abc

12. Which of the following package combine multi-dimensional arrays ?

Correct Answer is : abind

13. Which of the following contains functions for processing uniaxial minute-to-minute accelerometer data ?

Correct Answer is : accelerometry

14. __________ is used for selecting regression transformations

Correct Answer is : avas()

15. Which of the following is an R package for the exploratory analysis of genetic and genomic data ?

Correct Answer is : adegenet

16. ______ specializes in functions for analytical Customer Relationship Management.

Correct Answer is : aCRM

17. ._________ searches for significant clusters in genetic data.

Correct Answer is : bayesclust

18. ______ Uses Grieg-Smith method on 2 dimensional spatial data

Correct Answer is : G.S.

19. ______ finds K best paths in a given graph.

Correct Answer is : kBestShortestPaths

20. ________ is a package for parsing, applying, and manipulating data cleaning rules

Correct Answer is : editrules