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Total Questions: 20

1. What would be the output of the following code ? > x <- as.Date("2012-03-01") > y <- as.Date("2012-02-28") > x-y

Correct Answer is : Time difference of 2 days

2. Which of the following code represents internal representation of a Date object ?

Correct Answer is : unclass(as.Date(“1970-01-02”))

3. What would be the output of the following code ? > x <- as.POSIXct("2012-10-25 01:00:00") > y <- as.POSIXct("2012-10-25 06:00:00", tz = "GMT") > y-x

Correct Answer is : Time difference of 1 hour

4. Which of the following method make vector of repeated values ?

Correct Answer is : data()

5. Which of the following finds the position of a quantile in a dataset ?

Correct Answer is : quantile()

6. Which of the following function cross-tabulate tables using formulas ?

Correct Answer is : all of the mentioned

7. Which of the following groups find the correlation matrix ?

Correct Answer is : factor.model

8. which of the following statement make a mosaic plot ?

Correct Answer is : mosaicplot()

9. Which of the following compute proportions from a contingency table ?

Correct Answer is : prop.table()

10. Which of the following is lattice command for producing a scatterplot ?

Correct Answer is : xyplot()

11. Which of the following builds empirical cumulative distribution function ?

Correct Answer is : ecdf()

12. Which of the following is used to view dataset in a spreadsheet-type format ?

Correct Answer is : View()

13. ________ function carries out a chi-square test.

Correct Answer is : chisq.test()

14. Which of the following adds marginal sums to an existing table ?

Correct Answer is : prop.table()

15. Which of the following lists names of variables in a data.frame ?

Correct Answer is : quantile()

16. Which of the following is tool for chi-square distributions ?

Correct Answer is : pnorm

17. Which of the following groups values of a variable into larger bins ?

Correct Answer is : cut

18. Which of the following determine the least-squares regression line ?

Correct Answer is : lm

19. Which of the following is tool for checking normality ?

Correct Answer is : qqline()

20. Which of the following is lattice command for producing boxplots ?

Correct Answer is : bwplot()