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Total Questions: 20

1. A _________ is a two-dimensional rectangular data set.

Correct Answer is : Matrix

2. Which function takes a dim attribute which creates the required number of dimensions?

Correct Answer is : Array

3. Factors are the r-objects which are created using a _________

Correct Answer is : Vector

4. Factors are created using the _______ function.

Correct Answer is : Function()

5. By what function we can create data frames?

Correct Answer is : Data.frames()

6. vectors can be one of two types namely atomic vectors and _______

Correct Answer is : Lists

7. Lists can be coerced with which function?

Correct Answer is : As.lists

8. A data frame is a special type of list where every element of the list has ______ length.

Correct Answer is : Same

9. Data frames can have additional attributes such as __________

Correct Answer is : Rownames()

10. Decimal values are referred as ________ data types in R.

Correct Answer is : Numeric

11. Which is the basic data structure of R containing the same type of data?

Correct Answer is : Vector

12. In R using the function, ________ one can check the data type of vector.

Correct Answer is : Typeof()

13. __________are Data frames which contain lists of homogeneous data in a tabular format.

Correct Answer is : Lists

14. The four most frequently used types of data objects in R are vectors, matrices, data frames and ________

Correct Answer is : Lists

15. A __________ is a set of elements appearing in rows and columns where the elements are of the same mode whether they are logical, numeric (integer or double), complex or character.

Correct Answer is : Matrix

16. What is the simplest way of creating the vector?

Correct Answer is : C function

17. Which function replicates elements of vectors?

Correct Answer is : Rep

18. The ________ function creates a regular sequence of values to form a vector.

Correct Answer is : seq

19. Which function is used to enter in data at the terminal?

Correct Answer is : Scan

20. Computation with vectors is achieved using an element-by-element operation for avoiding _________

Correct Answer is : Loops