Roaming Interview Questions |

Roaming Interview Questions |

Roaming interview questions

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Total Questions: 15

1. True or false: A client can roam between two controllers in different mobility do-mains

Correct Answer is : FALSE

2. True or false: A client can roam from one mobility group to another in the same mo-bility domain

Correct Answer is : TRUE

3. Which of the following describes a mobility group? a. A set of users with rights to roam b. A group of controllers configured with the same hostname c. A group of controllers configured in the same mobility group d. A set of controllers that roam

Correct Answer is : Option 3

4. Controllers that are aware of each other but that are in different mobility groups aresaid to be in what? a. Mobility chain b. Mobility mode c. Mobility-aware mode d. Mobility domain

Correct Answer is : Option 4

5. How many mobility domains can a controller be a member of? a. One b. Two c. Three d. Four

Correct Answer is : Option 1

6. Which of the following are valid roaming types? (Choose two.) a. Layer 2 roaming b. Seamless AP roaming c. Layer 4 roaming

Correct Answer is : Option1

7. Which of the following statements is not true? a. For roaming to work, the controllers need to be in the same mobility domain. b. For roaming to work, the controllers need to run the same code version. c. For roaming to work, the controllers need to operate in the same LWAPP mode. d. For roaming to work, the SSID (WLAN) does not necessarily need to be thesame.

Correct Answer is : Option 4

8. What is the term for roaming from one AP to another AP managed by the same con-troller? a. Same-controller roaming b. Intercontroller roaming c. Intracontroller roaming d. This is not roaming.

Correct Answer is : Option 3

9. What is the term for roaming from one AP to another AP managed by a different con-troller? a. Same-controller roaming b. Intercontroller roaming c. Intracontroller roaming d. This is not roaming.

Correct Answer is : Option 2

10. What is it called when client traffic is tunneled back to the anchor controller beforebeing sent to its destination? a. Symmetric tunneling b. Asymmetric tunneling c. Anchor roaming d. Layer 2 roaming

Correct Answer is : Option 1

11. What is it called when client traffic is sent directly to a destination and return trafficgoes to an anchor controller before being sent back to the client on a foreign con-troller? a. Symmetric tunneling b. Asymmetric tunneling c. Anchor roaming d. Layer 3 roaming

Correct Answer is : Option 2

12. Which of the following statements is true? a. For roaming to work, the controllers need to run the same code version. b. For roaming to work, the SSID (WLAN) does not necessarily need to be the same

Correct Answer is : Option1

13. What must be set for controllers to be considered in the same mobility domain? (Choose all that apply.) a. Controllers involved must know the AP-Manager interface IP address of the other b. Controllers involved must know the virtual interface IP address of the others. c. Controllers involved must know the built-in MAC address of the others.

Correct Answer is : Option3

14. What is the term for roaming from one AP to another AP managed by the same controller? a. This is not roaming. b. Intracontroller roaming c. Same-controller roaming d. Intercontroller roaming

Correct Answer is : Option 2

15. What conditions have to be met for clients to roam seamlessly between APs on differentcontrollers? (Choose all that apply.)Choose at least one answer. a. Both controllers must be running the same version of IOS. b. Both controllers must use unique virtual interface IP addresses. c. Both controllers must be running the same ACLs.

Correct Answer is : Option3

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