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Interview question based on skill :

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Total Questions: 20

1. What is the output of given code? counter=1 if counter<=5 puts (counter) counter=counter+1 else puts(counter) counter=counter-1 end

Correct Answer is : 1

2. What is the output of given code? #counter=1 if counter<=5 puts (counter) counter=counter+1 else puts(counter) counter=counter-1 end

Correct Answer is : Undefined local variable counter

3. It is necessary that always if should come with else block?

Correct Answer is : FALSE

4. Which of the following is valid conditional statement in Ruby?

Correct Answer is : elsif

5. The elsif conditional statement is written with an expression.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

6. The elsif statement can add many alternatives to if/else statements.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

7. What is the output of the given code? counter=6 if counter<=5 puts (counter) counter=counter+1 puts (counter) elsif counter>5 puts (counter) counter=2*counter puts(counter) else puts(counter) counter=counter-1 puts(counter) end

Correct Answer is : 6

8. What is output of the given code? counter=-3 if counter<=5 puts (counter) counter=counter+1 puts (counter) elsif counter>5 puts (counter) counter=2*counter puts(counter) end

Correct Answer is : -3

9. What is the output of the given code? if !true print "False" elsif !true || true print "True" end

Correct Answer is : TRUE

10. What is the output of the given code? variable = false if variable print "false" elsif !variable print "true" end

Correct Answer is : TRUE

11. What is the output of the given code? x=7 y=9 if x==y print "equal" elsif x>y print "greater" else print "less" end

Correct Answer is : less

12. What is the output of the given code? a=10 b=2 if a>b a=a*b puts (a) elsif a
Correct Answer is : 20

13. The following syntax is correct for if conditional statement. if condition code end

Correct Answer is : TRUE

14. If expression. The expression can be of which type?

Correct Answer is : All of the mentioned

15. What error does the if condition gives if not terminated with end statement?

Correct Answer is : All of the mentioned

16. What is the output of the following? if 1<2 print "one is less than two" end

Correct Answer is : One is less than two

17. What is the output of the code? if 11<2 print "Eleven is less than two" end print "11 is greater"

Correct Answer is : 11 is greater

18. What is the output of the given code? if 11>2 puts "Eleven is greater than two" end print "You'r right"

Correct Answer is : Eleven is greater than two

19. What is the output of the given code? if 79>78 puts "True".upcase if 9>8 puts "True".reverse if 7==7 puts "equal".downcase end end end

Correct Answer is : TRUE

20. What is the output of the given code? if 79>78 puts "True".upcase if 9>8 puts "True".Upcase if 7==7 puts "equal".downcase end end end

Correct Answer is : TRUE