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Ruby Interview Questions |

Ruby interview questions part 7

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Total Questions: 20

1. What is the output of the code? print "What's your first name?" first_name=gets.chomp a=first_name.capitalize first_name.capitalize! print "What's your last name?" last_name=gets.chomp b=last_name.capitalize last_name.capitalize! puts "My name is #{first_name} #{last_name}"

Correct Answer is : What’s your first name? amil

2. What is the output of the code? print "What's your first name?" first_name=gets.chomp a=first_name.capitalize first_name.capitalize! print "What's your last name?" last_name=gets.chomp b=last_name.capitalize last_name.capitalize puts "My name is #{first_name} #{last_name}"

Correct Answer is : What’s your first name? amil

3. What is the output of the given code? print "what's your first name?" first_name=gets.chomp a=first_name.capitalize "first_name.capitalize!".reverse puts"My name is #{first_name}"

Correct Answer is : What’s your first name? amil

4. What is the output of the given code? print "what's your first name?" first_name=gets.chomp a=first_name.capitalize "a".reverse puts"My name is #{a}"

Correct Answer is : What’s your first name? amil

5. What is the output of the given code? print "What's your first name?" first_name=gets.chomp a=first_name.capitalize a=a.reverse puts"My name is #{a}"

Correct Answer is : What’s your first name? amil

6. What do we mean by expression substitution?

Correct Answer is : Embedding the value of Ruby expression into a string using #{ }

7. What is the output of the given code? x, y, z = 12, 36, 72 puts "The value of x is #{ x }." puts "The sum of x and y is #{ x + y }." puts "The average was #{ (x + y + z)/3 }."

Correct Answer is : The value of x is 12.

8. What does %{Learn ruby language} represents?

Correct Answer is : “Learn Ruby language”

9. What does %Q{ Learn ruby language } represents?

Correct Answer is : ” Learn Ruby language ”

10. What does %x!ls! represents?

Correct Answer is : Same as back tick command output `ls`

11. It is possible to make array of booleans.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

12. What is the output of the given code? string_array = ["a","e","i","o","u"] print string_array

Correct Answer is : [“a”,”e”,”i”,”o”,”u”].

13. What is the output of the given code? string_array = ["a","e","i","o","u"] print string_array[3]

Correct Answer is : o

14. What is the output of the given code? string_array = ["a","e","i","o","u"] boolean_array = ["True","False"] puts string_array[3] puts boolean_array[1]

Correct Answer is : o

15. What is the output of the given code? a=[1,2,3,4,5] b=[1,2,4,6,8] if a[3]==b[2] print "Equal" end

Correct Answer is : Equal

16. What is the output of the given code? a=[1,2,3,4,5] b=[1,2,3,4,5] if a==b print "Equal" else print "Not equal" end

Correct Answer is : Equal

17. What is the output of the given code? a=["hey", "ruby", "language"] b=["hey", "ruby", "language"] if a==b print "Equal" else print "Not equal" end

Correct Answer is : Equal

18. What is the output of the given code? a=["hey", "ruby", "language"] b=["hey", "language", "ruby"] if a==b print "Equal" else print "Not equal" end

Correct Answer is : Not equal

19. What is the output of the given code? a=["hey", "ruby", "language"] b=[1, 2, 3] puts b[1] puts a[2]

Correct Answer is : 2

20. Which of the following is not a valid library function?

Correct Answer is : Get

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