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Total Questions: 20

1. Command used to modify the schema is :

Correct Answer is : ALTER SCHEMA

2. Creation of new database role in the current database is made by :

Correct Answer is : CREATE ROLE

3. Purpose of ALTER CERTIFICATE is :

Correct Answer is : Adds a private key to a certificate

4. DDL statements not used for Synonym is :

Correct Answer is : ALTER SYNONYM

5. Which of the following statement drops the synonym ?

Correct Answer is : None of the mentioned

6. Which of the following is large object data type ?

Correct Answer is : image

7. Data types in SQL Server are organized into how many categories ?

Correct Answer is : 6

8. Exact Numeric data type is ___________

Correct Answer is : all of the mentioned

9. ntext data type falls under which category ?

Correct Answer is : Unicode character strings

10. A column of type __________ may contain rows of different data types.

Correct Answer is : sql_variant

11. You want to track date and time of the last write access per row ?

Correct Answer is : Add TIMESTAMP column to the table

12. _________ is a spatial data type.

Correct Answer is : sql_variant

13. Which of the the following data type is not present in SQL Server ?

Correct Answer is : boolean

14. ______________ is monetary data type in SQL Server.

Correct Answer is : Smallmoney

15. Which of the data type has storage size of 8 bytes ?

Correct Answer is : timestamp

16. Point out the correct statement :

Correct Answer is : All of the mentioned

17. sp_addlinkedserver command creates a distributed server entry called _________ in the following code : sp_addlinkedserver @server = "Northwinds", @srvproduct = "Access 97", @Provider = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.3.51", @datasrc = "c:\brian\writing\sqlservermag\nov98\nwind.mdb"

Correct Answer is : Northwinds

18. Which of the following command tells that all local users are logged in as “sa” in the following code ? EXEC sp_addlinkedsrvlogin @rmtsrvname = "Northwinds", @useself = "false", @locallogin = "sa", @rmtuser = "Admin", @rmtpassword = NULL

Correct Answer is : sp_addlinkedsrvlogin

19. Point out the wrong statement :

Correct Answer is : SQL Server cannot use execution strategies that involve using the procedures of the Table provider to evaluate predicates

20. Which of the following function mainly used for bulk load data is referenced in the following code ? SELECT RemoteOrders.* FROM OpenRowset("Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.3.51", "c:\brian\writing\sqlservermag\nov98\nwind.mdb"; "admin"; , "select * from orders") RemoteOrders LEFT JOIN MasterOrders ON RemoteOrders.OrderId = MasterOrders.OrderId WHERE MasterOrders.OrderID = NULL

Correct Answer is : OpenRowset