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Total Questions: 20

1. At least _______ of RAM is recommended if a large number of partitions are in use.

Correct Answer is : 16 GB

2. With a larger number of partitions, ______ commands could take longer to execute as the number of partitions increases.

Correct Answer is : DBCC

3. SQL Server 2008 provides enhanced partitioning information for __________ execution plans.

Correct Answer is : both compile-time and run-time

4. Which of the following partitioned attribute can appear in the following physical and logical operators ?

Correct Answer is : Index Seek

5. The query processor uses a __________ execution strategy for queries that select from partitioned objects.

Correct Answer is : parallel

6. Which of the following option can be used to launch Perfmon ?

Correct Answer is : All of the mentioned

7. Which of the following is one of the most crucial performance counters for monitoring ?

Correct Answer is : Disk Write Bytes/sec

8. _________ reports the total processor time with respect to the available capacity of the server.

Correct Answer is : Processor time

9. Point out the correct statement :

Correct Answer is : Slow SELECT queries with high physical reads and low queue lengths demonstrates under performance of Disk read and write

10. Which of the following stored procedure reports snapshot information about current SQL Server user ?

Correct Answer is : sp_who

11. _____________ displays an estimate of the current amount of disk space used by a table.

Correct Answer is : sp_spaceused

12. Which of the following field in the following code is qualified name ? sp_spaceused [[ @objname = ] 'objname' ] [,[ @updateusage = ] 'updateusage' ]

Correct Answer is : @objname

13. Which of the following determines type or resource to which the lock applies ?

Correct Answer is : sp_lock

14. The Activity Monitor in SQL Server Management Studio graphically displays information about :

Correct Answer is : All of the mentioned

15. Policy based management views are present in _________ database.

Correct Answer is : Msdb

16. Point out the correct statement related to database configuration :

Correct Answer is : Enable Data File Growth for all the Databases Using Policy Based Management

17. Which of the following is policy based management tip related to administration ?

Correct Answer is : Evaluate and Implement Policies in Multiple SQL Server Instances

18. Which of the following is Policy-based management view?

Correct Answer is : syspolicy_policies

19. Point out the wrong statement :

Correct Answer is : SQL server has introduced policy management framework in 2005

20. Policy based management view is owned by _______ schema.

Correct Answer is : dbo