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Interview question based on skill :

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Total Questions: 20

1. __________ is used to build the code dynamically and execute it.

Correct Answer is : sp_executesql

2. Stored procedure used to remember the exact number of bytes is :

Correct Answer is : sp_datatype_info

3. Stored procedure used to remember the exact number of bytes is :

Correct Answer is : sp_datatype_info

4. Select __________ from instructor where dept name= ’Comp. Sci.’; Which of the following should be used to find the mean of the salary ?

Correct Answer is : Avg(salary)

5. The ________ connective tests for set membership, where the set is a collection of values produced by a select clause. The _________ connective tests for the absence of set membership.

Correct Answer is : In, not in

6. Select ID, GPA from student grades order by GPA ____________ Inorder to give only 10 rank on the whole we should use :

Correct Answer is : Limit 10

7. Which of the following is not the function of client ?

Correct Answer is : Query optimization

8. Which server can join the indexes when only multiple indexes combined can cover the query ?

Correct Answer is : SQL

9. Select ________ dept_name from instructor; Here which of the following displays the unique values of the column ?

Correct Answer is : Distinct

10. Select ID, name, dept name, salary * 1.1 where instructor; The query given below will not give an error. Which one of the following has to be replaced to get the desired output ?

Correct Answer is : Where

11. Select * from student join takes using (ID); The above query is equivalent to :

Correct Answer is : Select * from student inner join takes using (ID);

12. The ______ clause allows us to select only those rows in the result relation of the ____ clause that satisfy a specified predicate.

Correct Answer is : Where, from

13. Which of the following is not a system database?

Correct Answer is : Northwind

14. Point out the correct statement :

Correct Answer is : By default, tempdb auto grows as needed while SQL Server is running

15. Which of the following holds temporary data?

Correct Answer is : Tempdb

16. Which is the most important system database?

Correct Answer is : Master

17. Point out the wrong statement related to master database :

Correct Answer is : master records the information for SQL Server temporarily

18. Which database is used as template for all databases?

Correct Answer is : Model

19. Which of the following database is used by SQL Server Agent?

Correct Answer is : Msdb

20. How many types of system databases are present in SQL Server 2008?

Correct Answer is : 4