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Total Questions: 20

1. Which of the following occurs when two connections need access to same piece of data concurrently and the meanwhile another is blocked because at a particular time, only one connection can have access ?

Correct Answer is : Block

2. Point out the wrong statement :

Correct Answer is : SQL Server lock monitor has a performance monitor that periodically checks the locks

3. Point out the wrong statement :

Correct Answer is : SQL Server lock monitor has a performance monitor that periodically checks the locks

4. An XML deadlock graph has ______ main sections.

Correct Answer is : 2

5. An XML deadlock graph has ______ main sections.

Correct Answer is : 2

6. _____________ section lists all the resources that were involved in the deadlock.

Correct Answer is : Resources

7. _____________ section lists all the resources that were involved in the deadlock.

Correct Answer is : Resources

8. ___________ is a deadlock between a statement that is reading and a statement that is performing some form of data modification.

Correct Answer is : Reader-Writer

9. ___________ is a deadlock between a statement that is reading and a statement that is performing some form of data modification.

Correct Answer is : Reader-Writer

10. Which of the following best practice should be carried out concerning data types?

Correct Answer is : Optimistic Locking in SQL Server using the ROWVERSION

11. Which of the following best practice should be carried out concerning data types?

Correct Answer is : Optimistic Locking in SQL Server using the ROWVERSION

12. ______________ function returns current date and time.

Correct Answer is : GETDATE

13. Which of the following function checks whether the expression is a valid date or not ?

Correct Answer is : ISDATE

14. Which of the following is not a mathematical function ?

Correct Answer is : CEIL

15. @@NESTLEVEL function falls under which of the following category ?

Correct Answer is : Configuration functions

16. __________ are used for supporting encryption, decryption, digital signing and their validation.

Correct Answer is : Cryptographic functions

17. DecryptByKeyAutoCert is ________________ type function.

Correct Answer is : Symmetric decryption with Automatic key handling

18. Text and Image Functions are ___________

Correct Answer is : nondeterministic

19. Which of the the following is not conversion function?

Correct Answer is : TRY_CASE

20. ______________ returns the rank of rows within the partition of a result set, without any gaps in the ranking.

Correct Answer is : DENSE_RANK