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Total Questions: 20

1. Point out the wrong statement :

Correct Answer is : We should use cursor in all cases

2. A dynamic cursor in SQL Server allows you to see __________ data.

Correct Answer is : All of the mentioned

3. Which of the cursors further have their subtypes ?

Correct Answer is : None of the mentioned

4. Which of the following FORWARD ONLY Cursor is populated at the time of creation ?

Correct Answer is : FORWARD_ONLY STATIC

5. ____________ cursor is sensitive to any changes to the data source.

Correct Answer is : Keyset Driven Cursors

6. SQL Server static cursors are always ___________

Correct Answer is : Read-only

7. Which of the field must be 1 using an authenticator in the following code ? EncryptByKey ( key_GUID , { 'cleartext' | @cleartext } [, { add_authenticator | @add_authenticator } , { authenticator | @authenticator } ] )

Correct Answer is : @add_authenticator

8. Point out the wrong statement :

Correct Answer is : EncryptByKey uses a symmetric key

9. Which of the following script creates master key?

Correct Answer is : CREATE MASTER KEY ENCRYPTION BY PASSWORD='MyStrongPassword';

10. Which of the statement is used to create a new certificate with a valid subject in SQL Server?


11. Like data compression, TDE database encryption is performed at the ______ level.

Correct Answer is : Page

12. Which of the following is valid code to backup a certificate?

Correct Answer is : USE Master GO BACKUP CERTIFICATE MySQLCert TO FILE = 'C:\temp\MySQLCert' WITH PRIVATE KEY (file='C:\temp\MySQLCertKey', ENCRYPTION BY PASSWORD='MyStrongPassword2')

13. Which of the following catalog view is used to monitor TDE?

Correct Answer is : sys.certificates

14. ___________ encryption was introduced in SQL Server 2005 and is available in all editions of SQL Server.

Correct Answer is : Column-level Encryption

15. Which of the following functions decrypts data by using a symmetric key?


16. What options did ALTER DATABASE statement add ?


17. Which of the following item is provided by CREATE DATABASE statement ?

Correct Answer is : Service Broker options

18. Which of the following statement removes database including its related components ?

Correct Answer is : DROP DATABASE

19. Which of the following database cannot be dropped ?

Correct Answer is : All of the mentioned

20. Point out the correct statement :

Correct Answer is : When a database is dropped, the master database should be backed up