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Total Questions: 20

1. Grails generates a series of files and directories which includes.

Correct Answer is : All of the mentioned

2. Used to define an application’s properties.

Correct Answer is : application.properties

3. An Apache Ant script with a series of predefined tasks designed to create a Grails application.

Correct Answer is : build.xml

4. An XML file containing configuration parameters for an application.

Correct Answer is : court.iml

5. An XML file containing configuration parameters for an application’s deployment.

Correct Answer is : court.iws

6. An XML file containing configuration parameters for an application’s launch.

Correct Answer is : court.launch

7. An Apache Ivy configuration file used for defining repositories.

Correct Answer is : ivysettings.xml

8. A directory containing the core of an application.

Correct Answer is : grails-app

9. An XML file containing configuration parameters for an application.

Correct Answer is : court.iml

10. Some of the more popular Grails plugins follow:

Correct Answer is : All of the mentioned

11. Element used to secure methods.

Correct Answer is : all of the mentioned

12. @Secured annotation is used to secure methods implemented by beans.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

13. Attribute used to specify custom access decision manager.

Correct Answer is : access-decision-manager-ref

14. JSP technology is also used to handle security of JSP views.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

15. Tag which displays user’s Authentication object.

Correct Answer is : security:authentication

16. Tag which renders the granted authorities one by one.

Correct Answer is : c:forEach

17. Tag used to render view contents conditionally.

Correct Answer is : security:authorize

18. Attribute used to render enclosed content.

Correct Answer is : ifAllGranted

19. Module that allows each domain to have it’s own access.

Correct Answer is : access control list

20. ACL(Access control list) consists of:-

Correct Answer is : object identity