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Total Questions: 20

1. Integration of Spring which has each application produce files of shared data for others to consume.

Correct Answer is : File transfer

2. Integration of Spring which has the applications store the data they want to share in a common database.

Correct Answer is : Shared Database

3. Integration of Spring which has each application expose some of its procedures so that they can be invoked remotely and have applications invoke them to initiate behavior and exchange data.

Correct Answer is : Remote Procedure Invocation

4. Integration of Spring which has each application connect to a common messaging system and exchange data and invoke behavior using messages.

Correct Answer is : Messaging

5. Using an ESB lets you hide the origin of the message from the code that’s handling it.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

6. As with a standard MDP, a configuration for the ConnectionFactory exists.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

7. The configuration starts with the inboundHelloJMSMessageChannel channel, which tells Spring Integration what to name the point-to-point connection from the message queue to the:-

Correct Answer is : service-activator

8. An adapter is a component that knows how to speak to a specific type of subsystem and translate messages on that subsystem into something that can be used in the Spring Integration bus only.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

9. A service-activator, however, only helps you invoke your application’s business logic on receipt of a message.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

10. The next component, a service-activator, listens for messages coming into that channel and invokes the bean referenced by the:-

Correct Answer is : ref

11. Headers Found in Spring Integration Messages:-

Correct Answer is : All of the mentioned

12. Some header values are specific to the type of the source message payload.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

13. Component-specific headers are the constants defined for files on:-

Correct Answer is : all of the mentioned

14. Annotation to get access to header metadata:-

Correct Answer is : @Header

15. The code for the service-activator has changed to reflect the fact that you’re expecting a message containing a message of type:-

Correct Answer is : Message

16. Base class to access the managed application context through the inherited getApplicationContext() method.

Correct Answer is : AbstractSingleSpringContextTests

17. The TestContext framework provides two test execution listeners related to context management:-

Correct Answer is : All of the mentioned

18. Interface which can provide access to the managed application context through the protected field applicationContext:-

Correct Answer is : ApplicationContextAware

19. In JUnit 4, you can simply run your test with the test runner SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

20. Method to indicate that the application context is dirty.

Correct Answer is : setDirty()