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Total Questions: 20

1. Classes used to describe an application’s primary elements.

Correct Answer is : Domain Classes

2. In web applications, domain classes are generally the first things to be defined.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

3. In Grails, domain classes are placed under:-

Correct Answer is : /grails-app/domain/

4. The creation of domain classes by executing a simple command which is:-

Correct Answer is : grails create-domain-class domain class name

5. The command domain class name in creation of domain classes generates a file named domain class name.groovy.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

6. Corresponding unit tests files are also generated for each domain class while creating domain classes.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

7. Static field which defines constraints on the domain class.

Correct Answer is : static constraints{}

8. Declaration name which indicates that object’s name field can’t be blank.

Correct Answer is : blank:false

9. A variety of constraints can be used to enforce a domain class’s structure.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

10. Command to generate the corresponding CRUD controller and views for an application’s domain class.

Correct Answer is : grails generate-all domain class name

11. Grails is capable of inspecting an application’s domain classes and generating the corresponding controllers and views.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

12. Views corresponding to a controller class’s CRUD operations.

Correct Answer is : all of the mentioned

13. .gsp extension stands for:-

Correct Answer is : Groovy Server Pages

14. Views are placed under which directory:-

Correct Answer is : grails-app/views/domain class

15. Command to start the Grails application:-

Correct Answer is : grails run-app

16. Which tag informs the spring container about the use of AspectJ annotation?

Correct Answer is : aop:aspectj-autoproxy

17. Which of the following is advice supported by Aspect Annotation?

Correct Answer is : All of the mentioned

18. An advice is an action which comes into play at pointcuts.

Correct Answer is : FALSE

19. Which advice is executed once a joint point finishes?

Correct Answer is : @After

20. Which advice is executed only when joint point returns or throws an exception?

Correct Answer is : @AfterReturning