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Total Questions: 20

1. Property for factory bean to load the Hibernate configuration file.

Correct Answer is : configLocation

2. If you want to use this data source for your session factory, you can inject it into the dataSource property of LocalSessionFactoryBean.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

3. FactoryBean to create an entity manager factory in the IoC container.

Correct Answer is : LocalEntityManagerFactoryBean

4. It allows you to override some of the configurations in the JPA configuration file.

Correct Answer is : LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean

5. To quickly grid-enable a method on a bean using GridGain.

Correct Answer is : @Gridify

6. GridGain provides:-

Correct Answer is : all of the mentioned

7. To build a parallelized solution for a problem that’s intrinsically better-suited to parallelization or that, for want of resources, needs to be chunked.

Correct Answer is : all of the mentioned

8. GridGain works with a GridTask, which specifies how to handle the main unit of work of the interface type:-

Correct Answer is : GridJob

9. When you call the method on the service with the @Gridify annotation pointing to this GridTask implementation, it stops execution of method and loads an instance of this implementation.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

10. When using GridGain stem mostly from the fact that what you develop on one node can’t always automatically work on another node with no additional configuration.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

11. GridGain lets you start up nodes using the startup script in the:-

Correct Answer is : bin

12. To hoist a grid node into existence.

Correct Answer is : GridLoader

13. When you use the script that comes with the distribution is the class:-

Correct Answer is : GridCommandLineLoader

14. A GridLoader instance is responsible for many things such as:-

Correct Answer is : All of the mentioned

15. GridFactory.start can take as its first parameter a:-

Correct Answer is : All of the mentioned

16. The file which enables you to tell GridGain about which GridTask classes are deployed:-

Correct Answer is : gridgain.xml

17. Instances of the ApplicationContext can be injected into the various GridGain class instances (GridTask, GridJob, and so forth) using GridGain:-

Correct Answer is : None of the mentioned

18. This is the default implementation. It is used when you run gridgain.sh or gridgain.bat.

Correct Answer is : org.gridgain.grid.loaders.cmdline.GridCommandLineLoader

19. This is likely the second most useful implementation. It provides a servlet that bootstraps the GridGain instance inside any web container as a servlet.

Correct Answer is : org.gridgain.grid.loaders.servlet.GridServletLoader

20. PointCut definitions can’t be reused again

Correct Answer is : FALSE