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Total Questions: 20

1. Which advice combines all advices into one?

Correct Answer is : None of the mentioned

2. An advice can access the current join point information by declaring an argument of type org.aspectj.lang.AdvicePoint in the advice method signature.

Correct Answer is : FALSE

3. Which interface is implemented to specify precedence of aspects?

Correct Answer is : Ordered

4. Alternative annotative way to specify precedence of aspects?

Correct Answer is : @Order

5. Method which returns the highest priority of aspect’s join point?

Correct Answer is : getOrder

6. what will be the output of the code snippet import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.Aspect; import org.aspectj.lang.annotation.AfterThrowing;   @Aspect public class AfterThrowingExample {   @AfterThrowing( pointcut="com.xyz.myapp.SystemArchitecture.dataAccessOperation()", throwing="ex") public void doRecoveryActions(DataAccessException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); // ...[/expand] }   }

Correct Answer is : BeanCreation Exception

7. Which instantiation model is supported by AspectJ?

Correct Answer is : all of the mentioned

8. Which tag in XML is used to declare @Before advice’s method?

Correct Answer is : aop:before

9. Tag used to enable AspectJ annotation?

Correct Answer is : aop:aspectj-autoproxy

10. Tag which defined Spring AOP configurations

Correct Answer is : aop:config

11. What are the ways to declare an advice?

Correct Answer is : all of the mentioned

12. Applying aspects to your target objects

Correct Answer is : Weaving

13. Special compiler used during weaving

Correct Answer is : ajc

14. Name of the process when targe classes are loaded into JVM

Correct Answer is : load-time weaving

15. How to weave your classes using argument while compiling?

Correct Answer is : -javaagent:CLASSPATH

16. XML Element to include load-time weaver

Correct Answer is : context:load-time-weaver

17. You also have to include suitable load-time weaver’s configuration in XML

Correct Answer is : FALSE

18. Library to use AspectJ weaver

Correct Answer is : spring-instrument.jar

19. Objects created outside the container:-

Correct Answer is : Domain Objects

20. How to inject Spring bean into domain objects

Correct Answer is : AOP