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Total Questions: 20

1. Method provided by ExectuorService which returns a Future < T >

Correct Answer is : submit

2. Which method provided by ExecutorService is used to check whether job is finished or cancelled

Correct Answer is : All of the mentioned

3. The Quartz integration and message driven POJO container doesn’t needs TaskExecutor Services

Correct Answer is : FALSE

4. Which of the following class’s instance is used by TimerTaskExecutor for managing jobs

Correct Answer is : java.util.Timer

5. Attribute used by Spring to refresh beans

Correct Answer is : refresh-check-delay

6. Spring IoC container refreshes the script periodically according to the interval period specified

Correct Answer is : TRUE

7. Default value of refresh-check-delay attribute

Correct Answer is : Negative

8. XML Element to define an inline script

Correct Answer is : lang:inline-script

9. Refresh checking feature is not applicable for an inline script

Correct Answer is : TRUE

10. To prevent the characters in your script from conflicting with the reserved XML characters

Correct Answer is : Use ![CDATA[…]] tag

11. Dynamic-language-backed bean with some configurations

Correct Answer is : Refreshable bean

12. To quickly add a Spring Validator implementation to a Spring MVC Controller

Correct Answer is : All of the mentioned

13. Script’s location is specified by attribute

Correct Answer is : script-source

14. To publish a REST service with Spring.

Correct Answer is : all of the mentioned

15. Publishing an application’s data as a REST service requires.

Correct Answer is : All of the mentioned

16. Spring supports a series of mechanisms to generate a REST service payload.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

17. Annotation added as an input parameter to the handler method.

Correct Answer is : @PathVariable

18. Notation for defining REST endpoints.

Correct Answer is : All of the mentioned

19. General-purpose class that allows a response to be rendered using a marshaller.

Correct Answer is : MarshallingView

20. Marshalling is the process of transforming an in-memory representation of an object into a data format.a

Correct Answer is : TRUE