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Total Questions: 20

1. The marshaller used by MarshallingView belongs to one of a series of XML marshallers.

Correct Answer is : All of the mentioned

2. To configure Jaxb2Marshaller marshaller we require.

Correct Answer is : All of the mentioned

3. In the case of classesToBeBound, the classes assigned to this property, indicate the class (i.e., object) structure that is to be transformed into XML.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

4. Annotation which allows the Jaxb2Marshaller marshaller to detect a class’s (i.e., object’s) fields.

Correct Answer is : @XmlRootElement

5. Accessing a third-party REST service inside a Spring application.

Correct Answer is : RestTemplate Class

6. REST service end point comprises an address.

Correct Answer is : starts with http:// and ends with ?

7. XML tag which represents information related to a REST service request.

Correct Answer is : All of the mentioned

8. RestTemplate class method which performs an HTTP HEAD operation.

Correct Answer is : headForHeaders(String, Object…)

9. Element which secures web flows.

Correct Answer is : secured

10. To secure web flows with Spring Security.

Correct Answer is : DelegatingFilterProxy

11. Group id to add spring security using Maven. spring-security-core 3.0.2.RELEASE

Correct Answer is : org.springframework.security

12. auto-config provides only default form-based login service.

Correct Answer is : FALSE

13. To enable Spring security for web flows.

Correct Answer is : SecurityFlowExecutionListener

14. hich of the following class should replace ‘?’. ...

Correct Answer is : org.springframework.webflow.security.SecurityFlowExecutionListener

15. Which attribute is used to access security element of web flow.

Correct Answer is : attributes

16. Spring web flow supports integration with.

Correct Answer is : All of the mentioned

17. To integrate JPA with Spring Web flows.

Correct Answer is : JpaFlowExecutionListener

18. To integrate Hibernate with Spring Web flows.

Correct Answer is : HibernateFlowExecutionListener

19. HibernateFlowExecutionListener and JpaFlowExecutionListener both belongs to which of the package.

Correct Answer is : org.springframework.webflow.persistence package

20. JpaFlowExecutionListener and Hibernate Listener binds to flow scope.

Correct Answer is : TRUE