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Total Questions: 20

1. Libraries used to integrate Hibernate with JPA.

Correct Answer is : All of the mentioned

2. To configure JPA vendor-specific information.

Correct Answer is : All of the mentioned

3. You have to register a flow execution listener in the flow executor.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

4. Way to secure web app’s URL.

Correct Answer is : servlet filters

5. Servlet filter registered in web deployment descriptor, which filters request in spring application context.

Correct Answer is : DelegatingFilterProxy

6. Servlet APIs to access security information of web application.

Correct Answer is : All of the mentioned

7. To load root application context at the start up.

Correct Answer is : ContextLoaderListener

8. To dispatch requests for web application.

Correct Answer is : DispatcherServlet

9. The responsibility of DelegatingFilterProxy is simply to delegate HTTP request filtering to a Spring bean that implements the interface:-

Correct Answer is : java.util.logging.Filter

10. By default, DelegatingFilterProxy delegates to a bean whose name is the same as its filter-name property.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

11. Filter chain configured by Spring security, when web app security enabled.

Correct Answer is : springSecurityFilterChain

12. The http auto-config=”false” element automatically configures the basic security services that a typical web application needs.

Correct Answer is : FALSE

13. Element used to restrict access to a particular URL.

Correct Answer is : intercept-url

14. Element which configures authentication services.

Correct Answer is : all of the mentioned

15. Element which defines user details.

Correct Answer is : user-service

16. Which of the following way to provide authenticity of users is/are supported by Spring Security?

Correct Answer is : All of the mentioned

17. The basic security services registered and configured by Spring Security.

Correct Answer is : All of the mentioned

18. HTTP Basic authentication support is configured by:-

Correct Answer is : none of the mentioned

19. Form-based login is configured by:-

Correct Answer is : form-login

20. Action URL can be customized using form-login.

Correct Answer is : TRUE