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Total Questions: 20

1. The only custom logic is a POJO with an @Aggregator annotation on a method expecting a collection of Message objects.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

2. You want to conditionally move a message through different processes based on some criteria.

Correct Answer is : router component

3. There are some convenient default routers available to fill common needs:-

Correct Answer is : PayloadTypeRouter

4. To receive messages from an external system and process them using Spring Integration.

Correct Answer is : channel adapter

5. Adapters are opaque in nature.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

6. Sometimes, functionality is made available from within the application via:-

Correct Answer is : All of the mentioned

7. You use Spring Integration’s inbound-channel-adapter element to wire the TwitterMessageSource and a poller element.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

8. The API surfaces a Paging object, which works something like Criteria in Hibernate.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

9. To take an input file or a payload and reliably, and systematically, decompose it into events that an ESB can work with:-

Correct Answer is : Spring Batch

10. Spring Integration does support reading files into the bus.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

11. No processing system (such as an ESB) can deal with a million records at once efficiently.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

12. Spring Batch reads the file, transforms the records into:-

Correct Answer is : objects

13. The BPM engine would thread together the different actors and work lists,

Correct Answer is : TRUE

14. You want to expose an interface to clients of your service, without betraying the fact that your service is implemented in terms of messaging middleware.

Correct Answer is : All of the mentioned

15. Serving to abstract away the functionality of other components in an abbreviated interface to provide courser functionality.

Correct Answer is : façade

16. Serving to abstract away the functionality of other components in an abbreviated interface to provide courser functionality.

Correct Answer is : façade

17. The capability to hide messaging behind a POJO interface.

Correct Answer is : All of the mentioned

18. The capability to hide messaging behind a POJO interface.

Correct Answer is : All of the mentioned

19. The most fundamental support for gateways comes from the Spring Integration class:-

Correct Answer is : SimpleMessagingGateway

20. The most fundamental support for gateways comes from the Spring Integration class:-

Correct Answer is : SimpleMessagingGateway