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Total Questions: 20

1. The SimpleMessagingGateway needs a request and a response channel, and it coordinates the rest.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

2. The SimpleMessagingGateway needs a request and a response channel, and it coordinates the rest.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

3. The first thing that the client configuration does is import a shared application context (to save typing if nothing else) that declares a JMS connection factor.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

4. The first thing that the client configuration does is import a shared application context (to save typing if nothing else) that declares a JMS connection factor.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

5. Messages sent on the requests channel are forwarded to the:-

Correct Answer is : jms:outbound-gateway

6. Messages sent on the requests channel are forwarded to the:-

Correct Answer is : jms:outbound-gateway

7. The gateway element simply exists to identify the component and the interface.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

8. The gateway element simply exists to identify the component and the interface.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

9. There is no coupling between the client facing interface exposed via the gateway component and the interface of the service that ultimately handles the messages.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

10. There is no coupling between the client facing interface exposed via the gateway component and the interface of the service that ultimately handles the messages.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

11. The service-activator is what handles actual processing and there’s no mention of a response channel, for either the service-activator, or for the inbound JMS gateway.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

12. The service-activator is what handles actual processing and there’s no mention of a response channel, for either the service-activator, or for the inbound JMS gateway.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

13. Spring Batch provides a lot of flexibility and guarantees to your application, but it cannot work in a vacuum. To do its work:-

Correct Answer is : JobRepository

14. There’s only one really useful implementation of the JobRepository interface, which stores information about the state of the batch processes in a database.

Correct Answer is : SimpleJobRepository

15. To load the contents of a properties file (batch.properties) whose values you use to configure the data source.

Correct Answer is : PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer

16. MapJobRegistry instance. This is critical—it is the central store for information regarding a given Job.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

17. SimpleJobLauncher, whose sole purpose is to give you a mechanism to launch batch jobs, where a “job” in this case is our batch solution.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

18. Spring Batch models solutions using XML schema.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

19. However, it’s important to wear another hat, that of a DBA, when writing applications.

Correct Answer is : TRUE

20. Indeed, a step could be considered the smallest unit of work for a job. Input (what’s read) is passed to the Step and potentially processed; then output (what’s written) is created from the step.

Correct Answer is : Tasklet